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[[left margin]] State of Ala BRF &c 774 [[/left margin]]
O 146  Endorsement on letter of Emma Owens
Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj James Curtis Sub Asst Comr Selma Ala by hand of the complainant for full investigation and report and recommendation, all proceedings in this case to stop until report is received and orders given from the Asst Comm.
By order of
Col & Bvt Brig Genl O. L. Shepherd
Geo Shorkley
Capt 15th Infy Bvt Maj USA.
AAA General
July 2 1868

[[left margin]] State of Ala BRF & AL 775 [[/left margin]]
L 43  Endorsement on letter of F. S. Lyon Sub Dist of Demopolis May 16. 1868
Respectfully forwarded thro Hd Qrs Dist of Ala In my opinion the within statement is correct the building is not now in use by the Govt I would therefore respectfully recommend that it be turned over to the trustees of the E. S. of Demopolis for the purpose of assisting them to rebuild their church.
C. W. Pierce
Sub Asst Comm

Head Quarters This Military Dist June 29 1868
Respectfully returned to Bvt Brig Genl Shepherd with the suggestion that these papers be referred to Maj Genl Howard Comm of the Bureau the property in question being in possession of the Bureau. The Comdg General recommends that if on examination the property is found not to belong to Mr Fourniers heirs the building be given to Mr Lyons Congregation.
By order of Major General Meade
(sgd) R Comm
Asst Adjt Genl
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Genl O O Howard
This property has never been known as property in charge of the Bureau and is not reported upon the Land Report but from information given it is believed to be abandoned property and should have been so reported but not having been taken possession of it is recommended that the building be subject to the claims of the owner of the land for rent


O. L. Shepherd
Col & Bvt Brig. Genl USA.
July 3 1868 Assistant Commissioner 

[[left margin]] State of Ala BRF &c 776 [[/left margin]]
S300  Endorsement on letter of Lieut Gen. P. Sherwood
Respectfully returned to Lieut Gen P Sherwood USA Sub Asst Commr Talladega Ala calling attention to par 17 & 22 pages 11 and 12 Bur manual relating to unserviceable property. It is not thought necessary to hire transportation for the purposes mentioned Certain extra board bills &c will be paid
By order of 
Col & Bvt Brig Genl O. L. Shepherd
Geo Shorkley
Capt 15 Infy Bvt Maj USA.

July 31 1867
[[left margin]] State of Ala BRF &c 777 [[/left margin]]
E25. Endorsement on letter of J. E. Edmonds Headquarters 4th Mil Dist Vicksburg June 24 1868
Respectfully transmitted to Bvt Brig June O. L. Shepherd USA Asst Comm Bureau R F & A. L. Montgomery Ala
(sgd) Irwin McDowell
Bvt Maj Genl USA Comdg
Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj Genl Irwin McDowell USA. Comdg 4th Mil  Dist Vicksburg Miss. with the information that a check for the amount within referred to was transmitted to the Asst Commr for Miss. June 28th for payment of claim of Anderson Mauler late 110 U.S.C.T.
O. L. Shepherd
Col 15 Infy Bvt Brig Gen USA
Asst Commr
July 3 1868

[[left margin]] State of Ala BRF &c 778 [[/left margin]]
Endorsement on letter of J. C. Hendrix
Respectfully transmitted to Bvt Maj Genl & A. C. Gillem Asst Comm Miss. requesting acknowledgement of receipt of the enclosed checks of Farley Smith & Co No 3214 for $155.05 on Ocean National Bank of New York made payable to the order of A R Huggins
O. L Shepherd
Col & Bvt Brig Genl USA
Asst Commr
July 6 1868

Transcription Notes:
its O. L. Shepherd - changes and corrections