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[[Left Margin]] State of Ala B.R.F&c 869 [[/Left Margin]] 
V55 Endorsement on letter of George Davis
Respectfully forwarded to Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard 
Commissioner &c Washington D. C with the request 
that Mr. Davis be appointed to date Nov 1"68.
This application was withheld thinking I might make other arrangements.
Edwin Beecher
Bvt. Lieut. Col. U. S. V
Asst. Commissioner
November 9" 68  

[[Left Margin]] State of Ala B.R.F.&c 870 [[/Left Margin]]    
Endorsement on letter of Lieut. Kingsbury S.A.C.
Office S.A.C. Knoxville Tenn.  Oct 28"68.
Respectfully returned to Jos. W. Gilroy A.A.A. Genl Bur. R.F. and A L. Nashville Tenn. with the information that the relatives of the within named woman are neither able nor willing to support her if sent to them.
Her brothers and sisters are all very old, and are objects of charity themselves, living and being supported by their children, all of whom have large families. They state that while they would be pleased to see her they are or assist  her in any way.
Saml Walker. Lieut. 45 Infy S.A.C.
Respectfully returned to D. B. Smith. S.A.C Opelika Ala. and attention called to endorsement of Lieut. Walker 45 Infy
Edwin Beecher
Bvt. Lieut. Col. U. S. V
November 10" 68  Asst. Commissioner  

[[Left Margin]] State of Ala. B.R.F.&c 871 [[/Left Margin]]  
M161 Endorsement on letter from J. L. McGogy S.A.C 
Respectfully returned to J.T. McGogy S.A.C Greenville Ala. with the information that your communication alluded to was forward to the Commissioner Aug 28"67, and returned by him and forwarded to you Sept 10"67 with endorsement thereon (copy of which is enclosed) also that
on the 11" of Sept 1868 a similar copy was forwarded to you at your request.
Edwin Beecher
Bvt. Lieut. Col. U. S. V
Asst. Commissioner


[[Left Margin]] State of Ala B.R.F.&c 872 [[Left Margin]] 
Endorsement on letter of Rachel Scroggins (Cl'd?) 
Sub. Dist. Demopolis, Demopolis Ala. November 10"1868.
Respectfully returned. - Jane Scroggins left newborn with her master Mr. Scarborough for Texas in 1862 or 63 no information of their exact destination can be obtained nor have they since been heard from.
R. A. Wilson Sub. Asst. Commr.
Respectfully returned to Maj. Genl. O. O. Howard Commr. Washington D. C. with reference to endorsement of R. A. Wilson Sub. Asst. Commr. of the 10 inst.
Edwin Beecher
Bvt. Lieut. Col. U.S.V
Asst. Commissioner
November 12" 1868 

[[Left margin]] State of Ala. B.R.F.&c  873[[Left margin]] 
H299 Endorsement on letter of W. H. Hunter, Agent.
War Dept. B.R.F&c Washington, Nov 11"68
Respectfully referred to Asst. Commr. of Alabama, whose actions will meet the approval of the Commissioner. 
It is desirable to reduce the force of the Bureau as
fast as possible with a view to closing operations on
31" of December.
By order of Maj. General Howard 
T. O. Sewall A.A.A.G.
Respectfully returned to W. H. Hunter, Agent at Hayneville, Ala
Edwin Beecher
Bvt. Lieut. Col. U. S. V
Asst. Commissioner
[[Left Margin]] State of Ala B.R.F.&c 874 [[/Left Margin]] 
c278 Endorsement on letter of Capt. J. W. Close 38" Infty  War Dept. B.R.F.&c. Washington Nov 11" 68
Respectfully referred to Brvt. Lieut. Edwin Beecher,
Asst. Commr B.R.F.&.A.L State of Alabama for investigation and report.  The records of this offices fail to show the receipt of claim in the case of the within named Washington Vaughn, and the Second Auditor of the Treasury reports this date that no claim in the case has as yet been received at his office.  This paper to be returned.
By order of Maj. Genl. Howard, Commr. &c
William P. Drew.  Agent &c
Respectfully referred to D. C. Rugg S.A.C. Huntsville Ala for all the information he may be able to give
Edwin Beecher.
Brvt. Lieut. Col. U.S.V. Asst. Commr.

Transcription Notes:
Please reread S.I. Instructions thoroughly as there were many error in the above that wouldn't have been made if they had been read. [?]for questions about words or characters that I couldn't make out