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[[Left Margin]] State of Ala B.R.F.&c 894 [[/Left Margin]] 
S.318. Endorsement on letter of John Smith
Office Agt: B.R.F. & A.L. Carterville Ga Dec 14" 68.
Respectfully forwarded to Col. J. R. Lewis U.S.A. Asst. Commr. State of Ga. thro' C. A. de Carrol U. S. A. Sub Asst Comm.  Rome Ga for his action, with the information that on the 23" of July 1868 I forwarded from this office a due bill of $58 15/100  on John P Ralls of St Clair County, Ala. in favor of John Smith Freedman for services rendered in Alabama in 1866. to the Asst Comr State of Ala thro' the office Asst. Commr. State of Ga for collection and return by express to John Smith in care of C. B. Blacker Agt.
C. B. Blacker Agent &c. 
Respectfully referred to Lieut. Gov P. Sherwood Sub
Asst. Commissioner Talladega, Ala
Edwin Beecher
Brvt Lieut Col U. S. V.
Asst. Comm.
December 24" 68

[[Left Margin]] State of Ala B.R. 895 [[/Left Margin]] 
W.136 Endorsement on letter of C.P. Wheeler. S.A.C. 
War Dept Bur. R. L. and A.L. Washington Dec 20 '68
Respectfully returned to Brvt Lieut Col. E. 
Beecher Asst. Comm. for Alabama.
The issue of transportation to freedmen and refugees has been discontinued
By order of Maj Genl Howard
E. Whittlesey A.A.A.G.
Respectfully returned to C.P. Wheeler Sub
Asst. Commissioner Eufaula, Ala. and attention
called to endorsement of the A.A.A. Genl
Edwin Beecher
Brvt Lieut Col U.S.V.
Asst. Commr. 

State of Ala B.R. + A.L. Lurq in Chf Office Dec 26 "68
Respectfully referred to Brut Lieut Col Edwin 
Beecher Asst. Comm. Dist of Ala
The person forwarding the within communication 
was formerly known to me while he was a private of
G. Co 97 Regt. U.S. Colored Troops he having served un-
-der me during the spring of 1866 at Mobile. He has
never received any "bounty" His discharge papers
were lost in being transmitted through the mails.
between Mobile and New Orleans in the summer of 1866.
He is in delicate health, and very indigent
A. Judson Gray, S. in C.
Respectfully referred to Maj Genl. [[?]]. [[?]].
Howard Commissioner to Washington D.C.
to know if such bounty has been paid
Edwin Beecher
Brut Lieut Col. U.S.A
Asst. Comm.

State of Ala B.R.L. to S. 317
Endorsement on letter of Fred Selzner.
War Dept B.R.J. & A.L. Washington Dec. 22 "68
Respectfully It has not been the practice of 
this Bureau to payments for property in the
rebel states. Previous to the formal restoration
to the owner thereof. It appears from the
papers marked 'D" that very high rent has been
paid for the property since its restoration, and 
that large sums have been extended upon it 
for repairs. The clain cannot be allowed
A copy of the paper marked "C" also of the paper
marked "G" which shows that Mr. Selzner was
not [[underlined]]loyal[[underlined]] but [[underlined]]neutral[[underlined]] during the rebellion
will be filed in the office of the Asst. Commr.
E. Whittlesey A.A.A.Genl.
Respectfully returned to Mr. Selzner Mobile
Ala. and attention invited to endorsement
of the A.A.A.Genl.
Edwin Beecher.
Brut Lieut Col. U.S.A.
Ast Commr: