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2 State of Ala. B.R.F &c 1 C. 167 Endorsement on Claim of James Andrews War Dept. B.R.F & A.L. Washington Oct. 23rd 1868. Respectfully returned to D.C. Rugg Sub. Asst. Commr. B.R.F. & A.L. Huntsville Ala. (thro Off. Asst. Comr) of Alabama Montgomery Ala) for an application as called for in the letter from the "2" Auditor of the Treasury herewith enclosed. This letter to be returned with papers. By order of Maj. Genl. Howard, Commissioner &c W.P. Drew Agent-in Chg. Clm Div. State of Ala. Montgomery Oct. 27th 68. Respectfully returned to D.C. Rugg Sub. Asst. Comm. at Huntsville, Ala. for action in accordance with endorsement from Commissioner of the 23" Inst. Edwin Beecher Asst. Comr. Sub Dist. Huntsville Ala. Dec. 19" 68. Respectfully returned to Brvt Lieut Col Edwin Beecher Asst. Commissioner Montgomery Ala. Attention invited to enclosed power of Atty and application for bounty &c. D.C. Rugg Sub. Asst. Comr. State of Ala. Bur of Montgomery Dec 22" 68. Respectfully returned to Maj. Gen. OO Howard Commissioner to Washington D.C. with the required application. Edwin Beecher Asst. Comr. War Dept. Bur. R.F. & A.L. Washington Jan. 9th 69. Respectfully returned to Brvt. Lieut. Col. Edwin Beecher and Comr. B.R.F & A.L. Montgomery Ala. for the letter from the Second Auditor of the Treasury mentioned within. This proper to be returned. By order of Brvt. Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard, Comr. William P. Drew, Agent in Chg. &c. State of Ala. B.R.F. & A.L. Montgomery Jan 13" 69. Respectfully returned to D.C. Rugg, Sub. Asst. Comr. Hunstville, Ala. and attention called to endorsement from W.P. Drew, Agent in Chg. of Clm. Div. Edwin Beecher, Asst. Comm. O.A.S of Schools. Huntsville, Ala. Feb. 8" 69 Respectfully returned to to Brvt Lieut. Col. Edwin Beecher. Mr. D.C. Rugg informs me that he has made diligent search for the called from and can not find it. I have no knowledge of his whereabouts. John H. Wager Asst. Supt. 3 Respectfully returned to Brvt Maj Genl. O.O. Howard Commissioner &c. Washington D.C., and attention invited to endorsement of Jno H. Wager Asst. Supt. I have also the honor to state that cannot be found in this Office. Brvt Lieut Col. U.S.V. Asst. Commissioner February 11" 69 State of Ala Bur &c. 2 R. 1 Endorsement on letter of D.C. Rugg. Office Asst Supt. Huntsville Feb 16" 69 Respectfully forwarded to Brvt Lieut Col. Edwin Beecher Asst. Comr. I found Mr. Rugg still attending to duties as Agent when I came. John H. Wager. Asst. Supt. Respectfully forwarded to Brvt. Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard Commissioner &c. Washington D.C. with the information that I was not aware that Mr. Rugg was Actg as Agent during the month of January. Brvt Lieut Col. U.S.V. Asst Commissioner February 15" 69 State of Ala. B.R.F. &c 3 H. 2 Endorsement on letter of J.B. Healy Asst. Supt. Respectfully returned to J.B. Healy Asst Supt, Gerard Ala. with the request for leave of absence granted Brvt Lieut Col. U.S.V. Asst Commr. February 18" 69 State of Ala Bur &c. 4 W.1 Endorsement on letter of Mr. Wright Respectfully returned to Brvt. Maj Genl. O.O. Howard, Commissioner &c Washington D.C. and attention invited to the oath of Mr. Wright and certificate of W.S. Blankford Judge Probate of Hale Co. Ala. Brvt Lieut Col. U.S.V. Asst Commissioner February 22" 69