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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jan 10, 1868 251 | Brown Albert | Talladega Ala Jan 8" 1868 Transmits petition of reliable citizens giving reasons for the continuation of the Bureau. Referred to Hon T. D. Elliot Jany 10th 1868 |

| Jan 11. 68 252 | Bartlett Chas C A. S. A. Commr, | Selma Ala Jany 8. 1868 Request in behalf of Rose McClellan/Col. that inquiries be made as to the whereabouts of her husband Randolph McClellan now suppose to be living with a Mr. Fayette Morrow in Sunflower County Mississippi 
Refund to Asst Commr of Miss for information Jan 10 68 |

| Jan 14 68 253 | Buckley C. W. E and M 524 | Montgomery Jan 14, 1868 Tenders his resignation as Supt of Education having received the (app) nomination for Congress in this District. |

| Jan 16th 254 | Benagh James | Decatur Ala Jany 1st 1868 States that in Oct 1863 his widowed sister Mrs Ann B Hobbs & children left this plantation in Lewiston Co Ala that her father in law Mr. Ira E Hobbs was left in change of said plantation that in Jany 1864 Md I. E. Hobbs was ordered south of the Federal line afterward the order was revoked and he was allowed to return but that iin the meantime the plantation was taken as a freedmen camp & the family use limited for other military purposes. The plantation was returned to the widow Jany 1st 66 minus all stock implements &c and with property damaged Asks if any relief can be had for Mr. Hobbs in shape of such &c, &c. Referred to Genl Callis for investigation & report Jany 16th 68 Forwarded to Genl Howard with report March 7 1868

| Jan 23 255 | Bartlett Chas C A.S.A. Commr E & M 418| Selma Ala Jany 20. 1868 Asks that the Agent of the Bureau at Alexandria Va be requested to make inquiries for Susan Gibson (col) supposed to be with John D. Harrison her former owner for the information of her son James Gibson at Selma Ala. Referred to A. Commir of va Jany 23 68 |

| Jan 27 256 | Burke J. W. | Huntsville Al Jany 22. 1868 Makes statement in regard to the poor sick among the colored people and requests that something be done for them. everything is done for them. Referred to Capt Harrison SAC. Jany 27, 1868 |

| Jan 30 257 | Bartlette Lt As.Cs A.S.A.C. E and M 552 | Selma Ala Jany 22, 1868 Makes request for a supply of Gent Orders Hd Qrs 3 Mil Dist |

| Jan 30 258| Burnett A. S. Sub Asst Comr. E and M 551 | Demopolis Ala Jany 25, 68 States that Mrssrs Gary Bevelle & Reaves gave bond for payment of lands on plantation and afterwards requested nine of the laborers. Asks instructions in regard to the matter.

| Feby 2 259 | Bartlette C. C. Sub Asst Commir E and M 559 | Selma Ala Jany 20. 1868  The A.S.A.C. Sub Dist of Selma having declined to furnish [[?]] for a private horse to be used in performance of the duties of A.A. [[?]] requests instructions permitting him to draw [[?]] in accordance with the provisions of Officers Manual BRF. and A.L. 

|Feb 7 261 | Bartlette Chas C. Sub Asst Commr. E & M 557 | Selma Ala Feby 4. 1868 States that Mr. Henry Cochran of Selma has purchased Freedmens Hospital Ground and improvements. Asks that it be ascertained from Mr. Healy U.S. Marshall at Montgomery who advertise it for sale if the property is sold to whom and if the buildings are included in sale
Referred to U.S. Dist Court for information Feby 7th 1868