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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 10 262 | Bartlett Chas C Sub Asst Commr. E and M 566 | Montgomery Ala Feby 8.68 States that applications are being made by freedmen concerning Public Lands with a view to obtain tracks for settlement asks for information &c,&c. |

| Feby 10 263  | Bartlett Chas C Sub Asst Commr. E and M 566 | Selma Ala Feby 6 1868 Forwards affidavit in claim for bounty of Albert Dawson discharged colored soldier. Returned to C C Bartlett for correction Feby 21 Forwarded to Genl Howard Feby 10 1868 |

| Feby 12 264 | Bartlett Chas C Sub Asst Commr. E and M 566 | Selma Ala Feby 10. 1868 Applies for 15 blank Land Reports for use of office. Returned with supply of blanks Feby 12 1868 |

| Feb 17. 265 | Blain James A Deputy Q.M. Genl E& M 579 | Washington Feb 7. 1868. Refers communication from Genl J. Hayden, relating to Q.M. property in use by the Bureau, and directs the designation of an Officer to receive it |

| Feb 23 266 | Brinckerhoff J. W. | Savannah Ga Feby 18th 1868 Requests information relative to Albert Rishbow. cold supposed to be in Chambers Co Ala. Referred to R.T. Smith SAC Feby 24 1868 |

| Feby 25 267 | Brinkerhoff H.R. Lieut 15 Infy A.C.S | Mobile Ala Feby 24 1868 States that he has seen no order establishing the destitute ration and cannot fill the requisition of the Sub Asst Commr. until it is received. Returned order enclosed Feby 25 1868 |

| Feby 28 268 | Bennett A.J. 1st Lieut 15 Infy. S.A.C. E and M 601 | Demopolis Feby 25 1868 States that a freedman Frank Sledge worked for one Richard Hall & that he was discharged & that Hall refused to settle. That letter was sent to obtain adjustment  That Sledge was fired at by Hall. That another letter was sent to report case &c. that it was (over)

|   | E & M 601 | treated with contempt, that Hall fired three (3) times at detail sent out to arrest him (soldiers) and escaped. Asks for instructions in regard to further proceedings. |

| Feby 28 269 | Bennett A.J. 1 Lieut Sub Asst Commr | Demopolis Ala Feby 25. 1868 Applies for detail of Pvt A.B. Bower Co K 15 Infy as clerk in Bureau RF & AL. Referred to C.O. Dist of Ala recommended. Feby 28. 1868 |

| Feby 28 270 | Bennett A.J. 1 Lieut Sub Asst Commr | Demopolis Ala Feby 25 1868 Submits affidavits of H G Claus Tobias Lane & Charles Wallace in relation to frauds at late election  Referred to Capt Sanderson. Feby 28. 1868. |

| March 2 271 | Bush H M Supt of Education Ala | Montgomery March 2. 1868 Requests an order for transportation for Revd. John Silsby from Selma Ala to Montgomery Ala and return. Returned March 2 1868 with order inclosed. |

| March 2 272 | Bartlett C.C. Supt Asst Commr E and M 607 | Selma Ala Feby 28. 1868  Asks that appointment of Wm. Kelley Constable Selma Precinct be revoked and that Henry D Cochran be appointed to fill vacancy |

| March 3 273 | Booth Henry H E and M 610 | Montgomery Ala Feby 24 1868  Submits account for printing was informed by Col C Cadle in charge of Civil Affairs that he was intitled to pay for work done for Registration office distinct from business as printer for Bu R.F. & A.L. work was done with that understanding principally out of business hours. |

| Mar 12. 274 | Bechert Chas A (Thro Bureau Hd q'rs) | Decatur Ala Mar 2. 1868.  Applies for the appointment of Disbursing Agent of claims for Soldiers bounties. Refers to Hon E.B. Washburn M.C. and others. |

Transcription Notes:
Bennett A.J. listed on Bureau staff list for Demopolis.