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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| April 13 288 | Blair Robert Sub Asst Commr | Tuscaloosa Ala April 9 1868 Recommends that John Purcell be appointed Marshall of Tuscaloosa J W Martin J.P. J.P. Lewis Alderman of 1st Ward Says Lieut Winslow has been drunk, people say they intend to keep him so. Referred to Maj Hartz A A A G D of A Apl 13 1868. |

| April 14 289 | Brown S.F. | Tuskegee Apl 13 1868 Makes inquires in regard to communication sent to Genl Howard for pay for service as teacher colored school. Referred to R.D. Harper S of E April 14 1868 | 

| Apl 22 290 | Bernett A.S. Lieut 15 Infy S.A.C. E & M 696 | Demopolis Ala March 26 68 Requests instructions in regard to getting extra pay for enlisted men acting as Clerks in the Bureau &c &c |

| Apl 22 291 | Bartlett C. C. Sub Asst Commr E & M 695 E & M 849 | Selma Ala Apl 16 1868 States that H. S. Tenant is reported dead &c He enlisted in the 38 U S Infy in 1867. wishes facts ascertained so that his father can make application for arrears of pay rate. &c &c |

| Apl 25. 292 | Browning G.F. Thro' Office Comm'r  See E & M #716 | Salem Mass Feb 24. 1865. Asks transportation for freedmans family of five persons whom he wishes to employ. Referred to Mr C. Hendrix Apl 27. 1868 |

| Apl 29. 1868 293 | Blair R. Sub Asst Commr | Tuscaloosa Ala Apl 23 1868 Reports shooting of Allen Williams (Cold) by white citizen of Tuscaloosa. |

| Apl 29 1868 294 | Bartlett C. C. Sub Asst Commr E & M 708 | Selma Ala Apr 28. 1868. Makes application for a clerk. Mr Naurwill having resigned. |

[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Apl 30. 295| Burton H.H. Sub Asst Comr E&M 710 | Eufaula Ala Apl 27. 1868. Reports Mr Aaron Barrett for disregarding the authority of the Bureau, requests instructions. |

| Apl 30 296| Bartlett C.C. Sub Asst Commr E & M 712 | Selma Ala Apr 25. 1868. Enquiries as to the manner of accounting for certain stores pertaining to C.S. Dept USA |

| Apl 30 297| Booth Henry Clerk Bu &c E&M 713 | Montgomery Ala Apr 30. 1868. Enquires if transportation will be furnished him as stimulated in his verbal contract. |

| May 7 298 | Bennett Lt. A.V. Sub Asst Commr | Claiborne Ala. May 2. 1868
Reports his arrival at Claiborne and made arrangements to open an office. Requests to be furnished with bank books and necessary articles for use in Sub Asst Commr. office. May 7. Retd. stationary will be sent today.

| May 9. 299 | Bulloch Geo W. Chf D.O. Bureau &c | Washington D.C. May 5. 1868. Enclosed letters &c regarding appointment of I. C. Baker as Agent at Courtland for action of Asst Commissioner. Referred to Bt Lt Col E. Beecher for report

| May 11 300 | Binnett A. S. Lieut & Sub Asst Comr E M 724 | Claiborne Ala May 7 1868 Recommends appointment of Mr. John W. Dixon as Clerk in Office S. A. Commr.

| May 14 301 | Blair Robt Sub Asst Commr E & M 727 | Tuscaloosa. May 12 1868 Acknowledges receipt of proceedings board of Surrey in relation to property last in Shipment from Demopolis to Tuscaloosa States that the owner of the "Jenny Rogers" refuses to pay the amount specified

| May 26 302 | Berry Garfield (Col) (Thro Comr's Office) |  Augusta Ga Mar 31. 1868 Requests that his two children Toney & Frank be sent him. States that he will support and educate them. 
Referred to C. W. Pierce May 26, 1868
Returned to Gen Gillem A.C. Miss. The children being in Miss. - June 12, 1868.