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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Sept 5" 68 315 | Beecher, Edwin  Bvt Lieut Col. Asst Comr.  E & M. 818. | State of Ala Montgomery, Aug 26 68  Requests the appointment of Joseph H. Emery as Printer in the Bureau R.F. and A.L. at $80 00/100 per month to date Augt 26 68. |
| Sept 7" 68  316 | Bartholomew W. H. Bvt Maj U.S.A. Sub Asst Comr. E & M 546 | Columbus, Miss Aug 29 1868. Makes a statement in regard to Washington Bunting, son of Somby Bunting (freedman) now in the employ of one William Gibson who has detained him on his place since the surrender. Also states that Mr. Gibson lives on a plantation 31 miles from Bridgville  in Pickensville Road Pickins Co. Ala. Requests that Mr. Gibson be required to send the child to his office. Referred to Robt Blair. P. A.C. Tuscaloosa Ala Sept 7 68 for report. |
| Sept 10" 68 317 | Bartlett, C. C. Sub. Asst. Comr. E. & M. 821. | Selma. September 9" 1868. Asks if the agency at Marion will be continued, and if not, what dispositions shall be made of the property of that officer, for which he is responsible. |
| Sept 16" 68 318 | Beecher, Edwin Asst. Commr E. & M. 824 | Montgomery Sept 4" 68. Requests that the appointment of Mr. J. H. N. Mills as Agent &c be revoked to date Oct 1" 68. also that of T. C. Stewart Agent to date Sept 1 68. Returned from W. D. Sept 1"68 with revocations. |
| Sept 18" 69 319 | Bartlett, C. C. S.A.C. E & M | Selma Ala Sept 17" 68 Writes that Grand Jury have recommended the selling and removal of buildings in rear of Court House. Asks if the title of the Bur to one of the buildings is to be defended &c. |
| Sept 21" 68 320 | Blair Thomas Sub. Asst Commr E & M. 831 E & M 841 | Tuscaloosa. Ala. Sept 17" 1868 Asks why witnesses in R. Randolph's case are not paid, states papers were forwarded to Selma over a month ago, as directed, also asks how to obtain rent for house occupied by Capt. Hedberg rented by him as agent for Mrs J. C. Avery at $50 00/100 per month. |
| Sept 21 321 | Bartlett, C. C. S.A.C. E & M 835 835 | Selma. Ala. September 14" 68 Asks whether government transportation will be furnished to Freedmen desiring to emigrate to the Territories west of the Mississippi or to Liberia |
| Oct 3 322 | Browns, H. E. Teacher Normal School. E.& M. 842 | Talladega, Ala Sept 29 1868 States that over one hundred pupils from twenty adjacent counties have asked to be received into the normal School during the coming years; and that all the accommodations can be furnished with the exception of bedding, and request a sufficient number of hospital beds and bedding be turned over to furnish fifty beds. |
| Oct 5th 323 | Black, W. H. Judge Probate E. & M. 843 | Union Springs Ala Sept 30th 1868. Asks to be informed what action he must take in the cases of freedmen who are working on contract for part of the crop & are driven away by their employers without settlement &c. |
| Oct 26th 324 | Bartlett C. C. S.A.C. | Selma Ala Oct 24th 68. Transmits duplicate receipts of Green Philips late Private Co C 3rd U.S.C. Calvary for $213 amt due him for arrears of Pay and bounty. Forwarded to Commissioner Oct 26th 68 |
| Oct 27 325 | Bowden, J. M.  E. & M. 865 | Philadelphia Miss Oct 23rd 68 States that David Hix, living in Montgomery with two or three children, would be provided for on his land, and requests transportation |