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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 30th 1866 16 | Cadenhead J.H | Loachapoka, Ala. July 10th 1866 Applies for damages to his property by Union Troops |

| Aug 1st 1866 17 | Cox Nathan | Russel Co" Alabama July 27th 1866 Makes application for assistance to recover possession of his family who are detained from him by their former owner. |

| Aug 6th 1866 18 | Clark Mrs. Margaret | Huntsville Ala. July 22nd 1866 Writes a few lines in behalf of an old friend of hers now in prison in that city. |

| Aug 8th 1866 20 | Callis Jno. B. Bvt. Col. Superintendent | Makes Monthly Return  Refugees for July 1866 for Dist. of North Alabama. |

| Aug 8th 1866 21 | Same | Makes Monthly Report of Freedmen for July 1866 For Dist. of North Alabama. |

| Aug 17th 1866 24 | Callis Jno. B. Bvt. Col. and Supt. B R F & A L | Huntsville Aug 3d 1866 Transmits applications of Lucinda Tate, colored widow of Wesley Tate Dec Private in Co A 101 U.S.C.I. for arrears of Pay and Bounty and for Pension. |

| Aug 17th 1866 25 | Callis Jno. B. Bvt. Col. and Supt. B R F & A L | Huntsville Aug 6th 1866 Transmits the discharge of Chas. Polk (Cold) late a Private in Co A 42nd U.S.C.I. and his application for Bounty. |

| Aug 18th 1866 26 | Cadle C Jr Bvt. Col. & A.A. Genl. | Montgomery Aug 18th 1866 Asks a leave of absence for twenty (20) days, with permission to apply to Hd Qrs Military Dist of Tenn for an Extension of thirty (30) days, has been continually on duty at this station for one year and off duty but fifteen (15) days in the last two and a half years.

| Aug 18th 1866 27 | Callis Jno. B. Bvt. Col. Supt, B R F & A L | Huntsville Aug 8th 1866 Transmits the discharge of Geo. Sanders late Private Co K 15th USI who was discharged Apl 7th 1866 Also his application for Bounty. |

| Aug 27th 1866 30 | Cobb & Foster Genl Collection Agency | Mobile Aug 11th 1867 Transmits for approval and payment account of O.J. Denaw. for services rendered in the Bureau at Mobile.

| Aug 30th 1866 31 | Callis Jno. B. Bvt. Col. & Supt. | Bureau R F & A L Huntsville Aug 30th/66 Transmits the discharge and application for bounty of Allen Walker, late a Private in Co "B" 17th U.S.C.I. Also application for the same man for Invalid Pension. |

| Aug 31st/66 32 | Callis Jno. B Bvt Col and Supt | Huntsville August 8th 1866 | Transmits Fathers application for pay and Bounty from Wyatt Moore, father of Egbert M Moore deceased late Corporal Co" Captain Davis, 15th Regt U.S.C.I. |

| Sept 11th/66 33 | Same | Huntsville Ala. Sept. 8th 1866 Transmits Discharge papers and applications for Bounty of Humphrey Timmons, Wagoner Co "G" 17th USCI Frank Bell Corporal Co "A" 101st USCI Joseph Bell Private Co "D" 12th USCI |

| Sept 19th/66 36 | Callis Jno B | Huntsville Ala. Sept 14th 1866 Transmits claim of Chas. Tate who was killed at one battle of Nashville Tenn Dec 14th 1864, also discharged appt for Bounty of Chas Tate, David Bazil, Dolphine and James B Pickett 17th U.S.C.I. |

| Sept 21st/66 37 | Same | Huntsville Sept 18th 1866 Transmits Discharge papers and application for Bounty of Private William Walker, Co "C" 110th U.S.C.I. |

| Sept 24th/66 39 | Callis Jno B Bvt Col & Supt. B R F & A L | Forwards application of Bounty for Phillips Acklyn (col'd) Corporal Co "E" 12th USCI, together with his discharge

| Oct 29th/66 53 | Callis Jno B. Bt Col. V.R.C. Supt Bureau R F & A L | Huntsville Oct 18th 1866 Requests that an order may be issued [[clearing?]] the status of Lieut Jennings, supposed to be relieved from duty as AAQM in the Bureau by appointment as A.C.S. for the Post of Huntsville. |

| Oct 30th/66 54 | Same | Huntsville Oct 8th 1866 States that on the 18th of May last he forwarded some 46 claims for commutation of rations while prisoners of war of Enlisted Men of Co "I" 110th USCI Requests to know if they have been received, and what disposition has been made of them. |

Transcription Notes:
Top of the right-hand page has something that may be covering some of the text. ed