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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 30th/66 55 | Same | Huntsville Ala, Oct 30 1866, Transmits application for pension of Amanda Hall, widow of Harry Hall, deceased, late a private of Co "A" 42nd USCI who died in the service May 4 1865.|

| Oct 30th 1866 57 | Same | Huntsville Oct 26 1866 Transmits application of John Nass, late a Private in Co "H" 44th Regt. U.S.C.I. for communication of rations while a prisoner of war, accompanied with his discharges. |

| Nov 9 1866 58 | Callis Jno B Bvt Col and Superintendent | Huntsville Nov 6th 1866 Returns with addl Evidence and letter requiring it the application of Rhoda Toney, colored widow, Dick Toney for Pension etc of services of her husband late Private Co "H" 17th U.S.C.I. |

| Dec 14 1866 67 | Cantwall J.G. | Decatur Ala Dec 4 1866 Transmits accounts for $158 for services rendered to sick freedmen of Decatur, Alabama. |

| Dec 18 1866 69 | Curry J L M | Selma Ala, Nov 13 1866 Forwards a petition of the deacons of the Selma Baptist Church, requesting that a colored school taught in the basement of the Church Edifice be removed therefrom. |

| Dec 21st 1866 70 | Callis Jno. B. | Transmits application for additional Bounty of Geo. McKinney Co "H" 110th USCI and his discharge papers. Receipt acknowledged by Supt. Thomas A A A G  B R F & A L Washington Dec 28th 18ll. Forwarded to Col. Callis Jan 5th/67 |

| Dec 22d 1866 71 | Same | Transmits Bounty Claim of Moses Wallace Sergeant Co "C" 44th USCI and Wm Benford Corporal Co "D" 52nd USCI. Rect acknowledged by Samuel Thomas A.A.A.G. BRF Dec 28/66 Forwarded to Callis Jan 7th 1867 |

| Dec 26th 1866 72 | Same | Transmits Bounty Claim of Austin Soose Private Co "A" 42nd U.S.C.I. Receipt acknowledged B R F & A L Saml Thomas A A A G Jan 3rd 1867. Forwarded to Col Callis Jan 8th 1867. |

| Dec 27th 1866 73 | Same | Transmits claim for Bounty of Jno Thomas, late Private Co "D" 42d U.S.C.I. Recpt acknowledged B R F & A L Saml Thomas A A A G Jan 3rd 1867 Forwarded to Col Callis Jan 8th 1867. |

| Dec 31st 1866 75 | Callis Jno B Bvt Col Supt at Huntsville | Transmits claims for Bounty of Willie Brandon, 12th USCI. Chas. Drake, 12th USCI. Henry Williams, David Steele, Evans Smith, Alex Brook, Stephen Russell, Joseph Brooks, John Love, Wm Gaston, and Benj Hammond. Rect acknowledged B R F & A L Jan 4th/67 Saml Thomas A A A G Forwarded Jan 10th/67 |

| Jan 2nd 1867 77 | Corliss Geo W Maj Sub Com'r B R F & A L | Vicksburg, Dec 20th 1866 In behalf of Julia Porterfield, Colored, applies for the recovery of her child Franklin Price aged 14 who was hired to Rev H.M. Jones of Mobile. |

| Jan 4th/67 83 | Callis Jno B Bvt Col Supt | Transmits claim for bounty of Amos Mannon, 44th USCT and Shakspeare Davis 44th USCT and Florida Hopkins 42d USCT |

| Jan 7th/67 84 | Same | Transmits application of Ephraim King, late Private Co "J" 40th USCT. for arrears of Pay and Bounty. Recd Jan 4th/67. B R F & A L, Transfd Jan 19th 1867 |

| Jan 7th 1867 84 | Same | Transmits application of Lewis Campbell, late Private Co "C" and Lewis Brown, late Private Co "I" 40th USCT. for bounty &c Recd Jan 14th/67 B R F & A L Transferred Jan 19th 1867 |

| Jan 10th 1867 87 | Cramer H.L. Late Maj Comdg 1st Ala Cavalry | Moulton Ala; Dec 18th 1865 Asks that an Order be issued in reference to JF Files late Lt 1st Ala Cavalry, now under bonds for stealing a horse, taken up in pursuance from Orders from superior officers. |

| Jan 15th/67 89 | Callis Jno B Bvt Col USV | Forwards claim for Bounty of Amos Mannon 44th USCT. Shakespeare Davis 44th USCT and Florida Hopkins 44th USCI Recd at BRF&AL Washington Jan 22nd/67 Forwarded to Callis Jan 28th 1867 |

| Jan 22nd/67 90 | Chur Jacob F Bvt Col & AAG | Raleigh N.C. Jan 14th 1867 Desires to obtain the whereabouts of Henry Olmstead, who has left his family without the means of support. Is supposed to have gone to Greensburg Ala. Referred from BRF&AL. Washington January 17th 1867 |

| Jan 23d/67 94 | Cocke Matilda Tuskegee Ala | Applies to have Anna Graham required to take into her own care her two children temporarily left with Matilda Cocke, who is unable to support them. |