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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. | 
| ---- | --- | --- |

| Decr 20 238 | Connelly W E Sub Asst Comm'r | Eufaula Ala Dec'r 13, 1867  Encloses petition of the Mayor and the citizens of Eufaula for a small Cavalry force to preserve the place. Dec 20 69 Referred to Maj. S.C. Green A.A.A.G. USA |

| Decr 20 239 | Cook Richard & others | Carrolton Pickens Co. Decr 13, 1867  Makes petition to be secured in their rights having worked all the year and not having received any pay. Dec 20, 67 Referred to R Blair for actions under G.O. 13 & 14 Hd. Qrs. D of A |

| Decr 28, 67 240 | Callis Jno B Bt Brig Genl & S.A.C. | Huntsville Ala. Dec 24, 1867  Forwards application for Bounty of the following named Col'd soldiers. Clark Bobec Pvt Co "I" 44 U.S.C.T. Forwarded to Gen'l Howard Decr 28. 1867 |

| Decr 31st 241 | Callis Jno B Bt Brig Genl & S.A.C. | Huntsville Ala Decr 27, 1867  Forwards discharge papers and application for Bounty of the following named Col soldiers John Mosely Pvt Co K 111" U.S.C.T.  Frank Shepherd Pvt Co B 44" U.S.C.T.  Buck Mathews Pvt Co G 17" U.S.C.T.  George Deaver Pvt Co D 110" U.S.C.T. Forwarded to Genl Howard Decr 31, 67 |

| 1868 |   |   |
| Jany, 7. 242 |  Callis Jno B Bt Brig Genl & S.A.C. | Huntsville Jany 3 1868  Transmits discharge and application for bounty of Wallace J Kinner Co D 110 U.S.C.T. For'd to Gen'l Howard Jany 7, 1868 | 

| Jany 10" 243 | Callis Jno B Bt Brig Genl & S.A.C. | Huntsville Ala Jany 7, 1868  Transmits discharge & application for bounty of the following named (Col'd) soldiers Joseph Nichols Co A 17 U.S.C.T.  Edmund Cox Co D 17 U.S.C.T.  Richard Harvey Co I. 110 U.S.C.T. For'd to Gen'l Howard Jany 10 1868 |

| Jany 17 244 | Cromwell Hannah (Col) E and M 526, 636 | Artesia Miss Decr 7 1867  States that M. & O. R.R. built a hotel near her place that while the work was going on the Hands was boarded by her, and after the house was completed the hands in settling their board bill transfered the indebtedness of the M. & O. R.R. to her and that Mr. Murdock President of the Road accepted the order but now refuses to pay her. Asks relief of Genl Comdg. Amt of debt $563 50. |

| Jany 20 245 | Carr J. J.  E and 527 | Clayton Ala Jany 10, 1868  Complains that J Warner for whom he labored last year refuses to pay him his share of Crop. &c &c Referred to W. E. Connelly Jan 20, 1868. | 

| Jan 24 246 | Connelly W. E. Sub Asst Comm'r. | Eufaula Ala Jany 20, 1868  Requests a Record book to be sent him as he cannot procure one in Eufaula. Refund to W. C. Arthur Jan 24 1868 | 

| Jany 24 247 | Callis Jno. B. Capt 45 Infy. S.A. Com'r. | Huntsville Ala Jany 18" 1868  Forwards application for bounty of the following discharged Col soldiers. General Wilson Pvt Co "D." 44" U.S.C.T.  King Ford Pvt Co H 44" U.S.C.T. Forwarded to Gen'l Howard Jany 24 1868 |

| Jany 25 248 | Coale R. W. A A Surg U.S.A.  E and M 536 | Mobile Ala Decr 24 1867  Asks to have the fund of the freedmens Hospital transferred to Post Hospital. | 

| Jany 27 249 | Cleaveland Miss M Matron &c  E and M 539 | Montgomery Ala Jany 25 68  States that Genl Swayne furnished rations to the Asylum and promised to use his influence with his successor for a continuance of the same states that the Children are entirely destitute &c, &c, |