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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 13th/66  9 | Derby A.O. | Demopolis July 9th 1866 States that he is subjected to malicious provocations and suits for damages because of having borne testimony concerning the killing of a freedman under summons of the Supt. of BRF & AL. at Demopolis. Claims protection and relief |

| Aug" 6th/66  12 | Dickinson, C.C. Agent F.B. | Mulberry P.O. Autauga Co. July 31st/66 Asks for instructions as to a case of violation of contract with freedmen by R Wyatt |

| Aug" 27th/66  14 | Dickey Jno. W. Citizen | Huntsville Ala. Aug" 16th 1866 Statement and application for protection in regard to a mule. (4 enclosures) |

| Oct" 22/66  15 | Dedman Jas. M. Sheriff Dallas Co. Ala. | Office Sheriff Dallas Co. Oct 18th/66 Makes application for the arrest of Maj Hoge 2nd Lieut 6th U.S.I. Enclosing three (3) capiasses for his arrest. |

| Nov" 12th/66 | Dean & McCraw | Lafayette Chambers Co. Ala. 11/9/66 Recomend William Logan as a proper person to teach a freedmens school at Lafayette. |

| Jan" 4th/67  18 | Diossy R. K. Presiding Elder M.E. Church | New Orleans La. Dec 31st 1866  Applies to have transportation to New Orleans La furnished to Jessee Kimball, freeman a helpless cripple, and his wife and five or six children, now residing in Livingston Co" Ala. |

| Mch" 4th/67  19 | Doubleday A  Sub. Asst. C. Galveston Texas | Requests that transportation be furnished to Isaac Thompson, an old and indigent freedman from Galveston Texas to Linden, Marengo Co. Ala. where he has children who will support him |

| Apl" 26th/67  23 | Dines Mary | Washington D.C. April 13th, 1867 States that her son William Dines went to Selma Ala.  She hears he died and was buried by the Bureau, asks that the Bureau ascertain the truth of this report |

| Apl" 29th/67  24 | DeLoach W. R. & J W Muneth | Apply for interference to procure the release of a boy (name not given) sentenced to the Penitentiary for two years. Where, or when, not stated. |

Transcription Notes:
Dean & McCraw - Attorneys at Law - skipped lines between entries to increase ease of readability Edited: its Hoge not Stoge, other corrections