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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 23rd /67  25 | Duncan Thomas Bvt Brig General Comd'g. | District of Nashville May 3rd 1867  States that Lieut L.J. Whiting 45th Infantry, whose name is sugested [[suggested]] by the Maj Gen'l. Comd'g. Dept of the Cumberland as an officer fitted for the position of A.A.A.G. &c is on the staff of Maj Lieut Wager Swayne in Alabama and requests that the Maj Lieut Comd'g D of C may reconsider the matter of assisting him in securing the services of Lt Parker 34th Infantry |

| June 12 /67  26 | Delaney W. G | Elmore Co. June 1867  Statement of case of Lewis Carlee (freedman) against J. W. Speer of Elmore Co. |

| June 19th 1867  28 | Dodge McLellan Claim agents | Washington D.C. May 28th 1867  Presented the Claim of Turner Curley Private Co "H" 44th. U S C T, who was captured and sold for a discharge and muster out and roll, to enable him to obtain arrearages of pay &c  Encloses licenses |

| Sept 2 67  29 | Davis L M | Pine Hill Wilcox Co Aug 22 1867 | Makes statement in regard to a girl he hired, he paying her fines & she contracting to work for him for 18 months. She has left him and he requests that he be relieved from payment of fine. Referred to Lieut Shorkley Sept 2 67 |

| Oct. 22nd. /67  30 | Daily Sam'l. C.  E and M 435 & 458. | Near Dudleyville, Ala, Oct. 15th. 1867  States that at the close of the War, two freedmen petitioned the Judge of Probate to apprentice their children to him. They now desire to leave and take their children with them, desire information regarding same. Referred to Hon Allen Sturdivant | 

| Oct. 24th /67  31 | Dent S H Attorney at Law  E and M 436 | Eufaula Ala. Oct. 14th. 1867.  Asks for Military interference to secure to certain freedmen their wages, out of a crop made by them in the present year. Referred to Mr Wm. E. Connelly S A C at Eufaula | 

| Oct. 29. /67  32 | Dawson Elijah E and M 443 & 492 | Selma, Alabama. oct. 26th. 1867 Petitions that his child Sally now detained by Richard a Geizer of Mobile City, Ala, be restored to him Referred to Captain Gillette S.A.C. at Mobile. |

| Dec. 6. 1867 33 | Davis J M Attorney for Petitioners | Carrolton, Pickens Co. Ala. Nov. 29yj. 1867. Transmits petition of many citizen in behalf of Col'd. man Jack Merney &c Referred to Hon T. S. Nabers Probate Judge Pickens Do Ala. for action | 

| Dec. 12. 1867  34 | Dabney Jno. M (and others) E and M 490 | Mount Vernon, Ala. Nov. 26th. 1867 State they are anticipating trouble between employees and employers, and request that Captain Hadberg and Company be retained at Mount Vernon. Referred to Bvt Maj S.C. Greene A D C & A A A G Dist of Ala. |

| Dec. 14. /67  35 | Davis L. M | Pine Hill Wilcox Co. Ala. Nov. 27th 1867 States he is leasing land in lots of 40 to 80 achers [[acres]] to Freedmen on ten years time &c  Referred to C. W. Buckley  Supt. of Education |

| Decr 20  36 | Drummond W. H.  E & M 505 | Greensboro Hale Co Decr 17, 1867.  States that he contracted with his freedmen for 1/4 of the crop raised and that it will take more than the fourth to pay their indebtedness for good advanced. |  

| Jany 29  37 | Day Miss L. J.  E and M 548 | Montgomery Jany 27, 1868 States that she has been engaged in teaching Freedmens Schools for a year Has never received transportation from Govt. and requests transportation from Montgomery Ala to Cleavland Ohio | 

| Jany 31  38 | Drum R. C. Asst Adjt Genl  E and M 558 | Atlanta Ga Jany 29 1868  Acknowledges receipt of Mrs Cleavland requesting issue of rations to Orphans Home. States that the Comdg Genl is compelled to decline giving any orders in the case as he is not aware of his authority for so doing. |