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| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 18 39 | Derry James D Chm B of Registration | Centre Ala Feby 10 1868  States that fraudulent means were practiced upon the colored people to prevent them from voting. Referred to Cap Sandman A A A G Feby 1868 |

| Feby 23 40 | Drake C. L. | Demopolis Feby 12 1868  Requests transportation for self wife and Miss M J Knight to Prescott gives reason for request. Referred to H W Bush Feby 24. 1868 |

| April 13 41 | Dallyer Harriet (col'd) (formerly W Cooper) | Atlanta Ga March 27 1868  States that her daughter Sarah Jane and son were taken from her by Mrs Martha Mays in 1861 thinks she now lives at Huntsville Ala asks that inquiries be made so that she can recover her daughter (Referred to A.C. of Ala by A.C. for Ga) Referred to D.C. Rugg S.A.C. Apl 13 1868 Returned to Gen Sibley May 14 68 No information obtained |

| June 16 1868 42 | Drew W P. Agt in chg Claim Div | Washington DC June 9 1868  Requires additional evidence in case of application of Coleman Kelly (col) for bounty. Referred to S.A. Comr at Huntsville June 16. 1868. |

| June 26 43 | Drew W.P. Agent in chg Claim Div | Washington June 22 1868  Returns application of Polk Chapman late USCT for correction. Referred to S.A.C. Huntsville Ala June 26 1868 |

| July 20 44 | DeKnight W.F. Agent &c  E and M 797 | Abbeville S.C. July 8 1868  States that Winnie Anderson Col complains that Albert Hamlin (white) stole her son Sam understands he now lives at Talladega Ala requests the boy to be returned to her. Referred to Lieut Sherwood S.A.C. for investigation, report July 20 1868 Returned to Asst Commissioner S.C. Aug 7" 1868 |

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| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aug 4" 68 45 | Duncan, E.A. Act. Chf Surg B R. to Miss  E and M 702 | Vicksburg Miss July 24" 1868. Asks transportation for Peter Ulrick aged and destitute refugee from Vicksburg Miss to Mobile Ala. where J.W. Ulrick will care for him. |

| Aug 2" 68 46 | Drew, William P. Agent in chg of Claims Div. | Washington July 27" 1868 Asks for certified copy of Commission of E.G. Blake U.S. Commissioner for Middle Dist. of Alabama for file at the Second Auditor's Office. Referred to J.C. Hendrix Asst Comr. Aug 2" 68. Returned to Comsr. with required paper Aug 8" 68 |

| Aug 22" 49 | Duyn, Wm B. Van. A.A.Surg  E and M 802. | Talladega August 17" 68  Estimate for material and cost of labor for the necessary repairs of buildings at Hospital |

| Aug 22 48 | Duncan E.A  A.P. in chf | Vicksburg Miss July 24" 68 Asks transportation for Peter Ulrick old and destitute refugee from Vicksburg Miss to Mobile Ala where J.W. Ulrick will care for him. |

| Sept 14" 49 | Duncan, E.A. A.S. U.S.A.  E & M 838 | Hospital. Vicksburg Miss Aug 17" 68  Requests transportation for Cynthia Witherspoon and her child Winnie Witherspoon destitute Freedpeople from Vicksburg Miss to Mrs Elizabeth Floyd Tuscaloosa Ala. Referred to Robt Blair S.A.C. Tuscaloosa for report Sept 15" 68 |

| Sept 15 50 | Drew. W.P. Agent in chg Clm Div | Washington D.C. Sept 4" 68. Asking for affidavit by claimant in care of Lucinda widow of Lewis Hustin late Corpl C F. 17th U.S.C. Troops stating that she has neither bartered, sold &c the final discharge papers &c. also for evidence of death of the soldier &c Referred to J.H.W Mills Agent Athens Ala Sept 14" 68. |
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