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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Dec 6 1867  51 | Fowler Wm  Agent &c In charge Divn | Washington Dec 2nd 1867  Acknowledgement of preface in the claim for Bounty of the following record Colored Soldiers  Burrell Anderson "C" Co 12 Regt U S C T  Major Driscoll G. Co. 101st Regt U S C T  Geo Fletcher H Co 17th Regt U S C T  Saml Edwards 42nd Regt U S C T Wm. Barry B Co 44th Regt U S C T  Geo. Ford J Co 44th Regt U S C T  Jack Cartwright E Co 15th Regt U S C T  Solomon Cartwright E Co 15th Regt U S C T  Nick Cartwright E Co 15th Regt U S C T  Henry Lee J Co 15th U S C T  Richard Fletcher H Co 15th U S C T  Forwarded to Bvt Brig Genl. John B Callis |

| Dec. 7th. 1867  52 | Fowler William Agent &c in Charg Divn | Washington DC. Dec. 2nd 1867.  Returns appl. for bounty with discharge of Cornelius Warren late cook A, Co 12 Regt. Ill Vet Vols. & states that cooks are not allowed Bounty.  Forwarded to Bvt Brig Genl. John B. Callis |

| Dec 9th 1867  53 | Fowler William Agent in Charge Divn | Washington DC. Nov. 29th. 1867.  Acknowledges receipt of papers in the Claim for Bounty of Philip Hunley G Co. 15th USCT and Wm. Fulty "D" Co 15th USCT  Forwarded to Genl Jno B. Callis SAC at Huntsville. |

| Dec 9th 1867  54 | Farken Dennis (cold)  No 376. 19th St  E and M 487 | Washington DC. Nov. 30th. 1867.  Asks assistance of the Bureau in securing the house No 86 Warran Street Mobile Ala. left by his brother Thomas Farker who died Sept. 23rd 1866; in Mobile. States that N.A. Clements Esq and Rev. Benjamin Burk of Mobile may be able to throw some light on the subject.  Referred to Captain James Gillette SAC at Mobile |

| Dec. 16th. 1867  55 | Fowler Wm. Agent &c in chg. Divn | Washington DC. Dec. 10th. 1867  Acknowledges receipt of papers in claim for bounty of Olmstead Wilburne B Co 44th USCT and Reuben Smith B Co 44th USCT  Forwarded to Genl Callis |

[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Dec. 17th/67  56 | Fowler Wm Agent &c in charge Divn | Washington DC. Dec. 11th. 1867.  Encloses declarations for bounty of the following named Cold soldiers of the 76th USCT for authentication of the seal and signature of the US Commissioner who administered the Oaths.  Asbury Todd, Chas Todd and David Tucker  Referred to Bvt Maj. Geo. Sharkley, SAC at Selma.  Forwarded corrected April 2 1868 |

| Dec. 17th. 1867  57 | Fowler Wm Agent &c in charge Divn | Washington DC. Dec. 11th. 1867  Returns claim for Bounty of Osborne Chambers late Private Co "J" 137th USCT, returned by the 2nd. Auditor for authentication by the clerk of a Court of Record of the seal and signature of the US Commissioner who administered the Oath.  Referred to Mr Jno. C. Hendrix, SAC at Montgomery |

| Dec. 17th/67  58 | Fournier A  E and M 500 | Demopolis Ala. Aug. 20th. 1867.  Applies for payment of rent from Apl 10th 1866 to August 23rd 1867.  Referred to Bvt Maj C.W. Pierce SAC at Demopolis. |

| Dec 21  59 | Fowler William Agent &c in charge C.D. | Washington D C. Dec 13th 1867  Acknowledges receipt of papers in the Claim for Bounty of John Fletcher Co "B" 12 U.S.C.T.  Walker Simmonds Co "D" 42 U.S.C.T.  Jordan Price Co C 42 U.S.C.T.  Bartlett Brown Co 44 U.S.C.T.  Mitchell Mathews Co H 17 U.S.C.T  Perry Price Co C 42 U.S.C.T.  Decr 21st 67 Transmitted to Genl Callis ACS. |

| Dec 26  60 | Fowler William Agent &c in charge C.D. | Washington D.C. Decr 21st 1867  Acknowledges receipt of papers in the claim for Bounty of John Fletcher Co "E" 12 U.S.C.T.  Decr 26. 1867 Transmitted to Gen Callis A.C.S. |

| Jany 3. 1868  61 | Fowler William Agent &c in charge C.D. | Washington D.C. Decr 24. 1867  Returns application for Bounty of Martha widow of John Fletcher late Pvt Co "B" 12 U.S.C.T. for correction.  Referred to Genl Callis Jany 3 1868  Forwd May 1. 1868. Retd to D.C. Rugg for completion May 9. 1868 |