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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 7. 1868 62 | Fowler William Agent in charge C.D. | Washington D.C. Decr 24. 1867 Acknowledges receipt of papers of the following Discharge Col'd soldiers for bounty &c William Priest Co. "E" 12" U.S.C.T.  Cornelius Tate Co. D 15 U.S.C.T.  Sam Tate Co. A 106 U.S.C.T.  Fred Anderson Co. H 17 U.S.C.T. Gran Drake Co. H 12 U.S.C.T.  Sam Tate Co. A. 106 U.S.C.T.  Clark Babor Co. J 44 U.S.C.T.  Transmitted to Genl Callis Jany 7, 1868 | 

| Jany 13 63 | Fowler William Agent in charge C.D. | Washington D.C. Jany 4. 1868 Returns application of Walker Simmonds Co. D 42 USCT for correction. Referred to Genl Callis Jany 13 1868 for comts Apl 10, 68 |

| Jany 15. 64 | Fowler William Agent in charge C.D.  | Washington Jany 7. 1868 Returns application for bounty of John Mosely late Pvt Co K 111 U.S.C.T. for correction. Transmitted to Genl Callis Jany 14, 1868 |

| Jany 25 65 | Fowler William Agent in charge C.D.  | Washington D.C. May 1. 1867 Returns application for bounty of Giles Blevin Pvt Co J 76 USCT for correction  Forwarded corrected Jany 25 1868 |

| Jany 27 66 | Fowler William Agent in charge C.D. E and M  542 | Washington D.C May 17, 1868 Encloses form of affidavits required in the claim Thomas Baker discharged Col'd soldier. |

| Feby 3 67 | Field Benj. S. | Union Springs Jany 31 1868 Makes complaint of one J. H. Dennis a Justice of the Peace  Asks for his removal and states of cases where injustice was done Sam Bird and Eliza Rogers (Col),Referred to W. E. Connelly for his information & action Feby 3, 68 |

See Letter "J" pages 2.