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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 14  124 | Genth F.C. Agent &c E&M 574 |  Fort Gaines Ga Feby 7. 1868 Makes report of two murders committed in Early Co. one by Geo Cheney on a cold. man David Hutchins the other by Ben Chenny on a cold man Moses Alexander. |

| Feby 17. 1868  125 | Gillette James Bvt Maj USA Sub Asst Comr E. & M. 578. 591 | Mobile Ala Feby 16. 1868 Transmits Inventory and Inspection Reports of Quartermasters property. |

| Feby 22. 68  125 | Same | Mobile Ala Feby 21. 1868 Acknowledges receipt of discharge papers of Adam White Capt. & Jacob White Co H 96 U.S.C.T. Forwarded to Gen Howe Feby 24 1868 |

| Feby 27  126 | Same E. M. 666. | Mobile Ala Feby 26 1868 Requests transportation for Michell Burgoyne freedmen from Mobile Ala to Marion C.H. S.C. Returned for compliance with cir of May 21st 67 from the Commr. Feby 27 1868. fordwarded [[?]] of March 5 1868 |

| March 17  127 | Same E and M 628 | Mobile Ala March 13 1868 Reports outrages on River Boats and requests instructions as to mode of redress when they occur outside of county limits |

| March 27  128 | Gardner S.S. Sub Asst Commr | Greenville Ala March 24 1868 Makes statement in regard to drawing juries for the Spring term of Butler Co in Disregard of Genl Orders No 53 Hd Qrs 3 Mil Dist 1867 Referred to Genl Shepherd March 27 1868 |

| March 27  129 | Gillette James Bvt Maj & S.A. Comr E&M 659  680. | Mobile Ala March 24 1868 States the claim of Freedmen on Colgin & Saunders plantation Baldwin Co Ala Attachment has been issued for the amt & produce of place sold by sheriff who [[strikethrough]]w[[/strikethrough]]holds the proceeds subject to the decision of Court which meets Apl 6 Asks authority to employ council for freedmen if case comes to trial |

| Apl 7  130 | Gillette James Bvt Maj & SA Commr E&M 679 | Mobile Ala Apl 4 1868 States a suit finding in Circuit court of Mobile between F.W. Baker and Henry and Blackledge for the proceeds of cotton sold by the letter for Alfred English a freedman English from poverty is liable to worsted and will lose his cotton and all the Money he has spent in trying to regain it, an order referring to case to Bureau for settlement is suggested. |

| Apl 11  131 | Same E&M 686 | Mobile Ala April 7 1868 Transmits bill for fresh potatoes to the A.C.S. Post of Mobile Ala for payment |

| Apl 11  132 | Same | Mobile Ala Apl 10 1868 | Requests transportation for Emigrants to Liberia Forwarded to Gen Howard Apl 10 1868 |

| Apl 15  133 | Gale C.A. Agent &c | Greensboro Ala Apl 8. 1868 Asks that a Military Judge be appointed to try cases. States that the "Ku Klux Klan" visited Greensboro It is thought that they will have open the jail. Referred to Capt Sanderson Apl 15 1868 |

| April 15  134 | Same | Greensboro April 9 1868 States that in removing six prisoners from Greensboro to Marion Ala the guard was stopped and two supposed murderers captured by the Ku Klux. Referred to Capt Sanderson April 15 1868 |

| April 16  135 | Gillette James Bvt Maj & S.A. Comr E&M 689 | Mobile Ala April 15 1868 States that on the 9th inst he made application for transportation for 21 adults & 12 children from Mobile to Savannah Ga en route to Liberia, that transp. has been received direct from Washington for 19 adults & 5 children and requests transportation for WB Cephas & 7  seven children who have not been supplied & to withdraw previous application. |