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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 9 1867  146 | Hood E.C.  E & M 223 | Mulberry Grove June 18 1867  Reports the application of Peter Smith (Cold) who applies for the possession of his son who is bound to Rogers of Alabama. |

| July 20 1867  147 | Harris J.W. M.D.  E & M 253 | Tuscaloosa Ala July 15, 1867  States that he sued a party for Medical attendance &c before a justice of the Peace and the said justice of the Peace refused negro testimony therefore he lost the case but carried it up to the circuit Court and desires that an order will be sent to the Judge ordering negro testimony to be taken |

| July 21. 1867  148 | Hill Francis O.L.S.  E & M 257 | North Newburgh Ma. July 13 1867  Desires a appointment as A.A. Surg in the Bureau states that he is a graduate of Howard College Med Dept last March served 3 years in the Army during the War |

| July 29. 1867  149 | Higgs J.F. Lieut & S.A.C.  E & M 273, 302 | Charlottesville Va July 12. 1867  States that Stacy Smith has a wife named Melinda Smith living with Pearson Glabber of Demopolis Ala. Is unable to send for her but can take care of her if he is furnished transportation |

| Aug 9. 1867  150 | Houston S.S. | Mobile Ala Aug 8. 1867  Requests an Order for Clemency in the case of those charged with the outrage on the Peters family & in the case of Arron Baily charged with murder all tried & convicted to be hung.  Referred to Gov Patton Aug. 9. 1867 |

| Aug 12. 1867  151 | Healy J.B.  E & M 292 | Girard Ala. Aug 9. 1867  Enclosing affidavit of freedmen who engaged to work for James W. Wright and are now discharged without (as alleged) sufficient cause. - having worked 7 months of year |

[[3 Column Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 12. 1867  152 | Hendall Ellick  E & M 297 | Evergreen Ala Aug 1867  Makes complaint of Elias Barlow a Justice of the Peace who he states did not give him justice and asks assistance &c |

| Aug 19 67  153 | Hery W.J.  E & M 307 | Villula Russell Co. 1867  Asks for a decision in the case of a child whose mother refuses to give it up to the father The Father was sold 7 years ago and now claims the child. |

| Aug 21. 67  154 | Horton G. | Mobile Ala Aug 19 1867  Makes statement in regard to schools and requests assistance to help to educate colored children.  Referred to C.W. Buckley Aug 21. 67 |

| Aug 22. 67  155 | Houston S.S. Attorney at Law  See E & M 315 | Mobile Ala. Aug 20. 1867  Plea for the commutation of the sentences of U.S. Grant, Jim Richardson, Charles Robinson, colored, from death to imprisonment for life. - for rape on Mrs Peters & daughters at Dog River. |

| Aug 26. 67  156 | Hendrix J.C. Actg Sub Asst Commr | Montgomery Ala Aug 26. 67  Reports vacancies existing in Judicial Offices in the County of Autauga Ala and suggests nominees.  Referred to Maj Greene Aug 26. 67 |

| Sept 11. 67  157 | Hendrix J.C. Actg Sub Asst Commr  All forwarded to Maj Genl O O Howard Commr &c Sept 11" 1867 | Montgomery Sept 10. 1867  Forwards application for bounty of the following named soldiers  Paul Dellayhey Pvt Co A 137" USCT  George Young Pvt Co D 137" USCT  John Carter Pvt Co J 137" USCT  Benj Gross Pvt Co D 137" USCT  Jer Goodwin Sergt Co D 137" USCT  Henry Gossby Pvt Co H 137" USCT  Will McKinney Pvt Co J 137" USCT  Gildroy Brown Fathers appln for arrears of pay &c  |