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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Feby 20, 1868  213 | Howe A. P. Bvt Maj Genl U.S.A. | States that claim of Nancy Sugars, by S.A.C. at Huntsville has been suspended for want of certain evidence, Referred to Capt. Rob't Harrison, Feb 20, 1868 |

| Feb 20, 1868  214 | Howe A. P. Bvt Maj Genl U.S.A. | States that discharge of Sam'l Anderson is on file awaiting, application for bounty, which was returned to Lt L. J. Whiting for correction. Referred to Jno C. Hendrix Feb 20, 1868. |

| Feb 20, 1868  215 | Howe A.P. Bvt Maj Genl U.S.A. E. & M 583 | Washington Feb 13. 1868.  Encloses claim for bounty of Alexander Dawson, for authentication of signature of U.S. Com'r. | 

| Feby 22  216 | Harrison Robt. Capt 33rd Infy. Sub Asst Com  E & M 588. | Huntsville Ala Feb 17,1868.  Requests revocation of appointment of Mr Jno W Raines Clerk B.R.F.& A.L. |

| Feby 22  217 | Hendrix Jno C. Sub Asst. Comm'r | Montgomery Ala Feb 21, 1868.  Asks for information as to application of Jno Stanford, Ann Murdock et al late employees of St. Mary's Hospital - wishes to know if they will be paid. Resfy forwd to E B French thro Bureau Hdqrs. | 

| Feb 22.  218 | Harrison Robert Capt. 33rd Infy. Sub Asst Com  E.& M. 589 | Huntsville Ala Feby 17, 1868.  Applies for appointment of D. C. Rugg as Clerk Bureau R.F. & A.L. |

| Feb 22  219 | Howe A.P. Bvt Maj. Gen'l USA | Washington D.C. Feby 17. 1868.  Acknowledges receipt of claim for bounty of David Redus "I" Co 110th USC.T. Referred to S.A. Com'r Huntsville Ala |

| Feby 24  220 | Howard H.C. Bvt Maj Genl & Asst Com'r. | Washington D.C. Feby 17 1868  Encloses letter to Willa Elder care of Clarke B. Ramsay Wilcox Allington P.G. Ala with request that it be forwarded. Referred to Bartlett C.C. S.A.C. Feby 24 1868 |

| Feby 25  221 | Haroley J.B. Mayor of Shubuta  E and M 597 | Shubuta Miss Feby 16, 1868 | States that D. Thompson with others met Cyrus Conner (and old freedmen) near Shubuta and inhumanly beat him for no cause states that D. Thompson was near Nicholsons store in Alabama about 20 miles from Shubuta. |

| Feby 25  222 | Howe A.P. Bvt Maj Genl  E & M 645, 655 | Washington D.C. Feby 19 1868  States that the claim against the Govt for bounty of several colored soldiers are suspended on account of the U.S. Comm'r W.R.R. Wyatt not having filed or certified coy of his appointment. Referred to J.C. Hendrix Feby 25 1868. For'd corrected March 9, 1868 |

| Feby 25  223 | Howe A.P. Bvt Maj Genl | Washington D.C. Feby 19, 1868  States that claims are suspended on account of the U.S. Comms'r W.G. Smith not having filed a certified copy of his appointment. Referred to C.C. Bartlett S.A.C. Selma Ala Feby 25 1868 |

| Feb 25  224 | Howe A.P. Bvt Maj Genl E & M 608 | Washington D.C. Feby 19 1868  Transmits form of affidavit required in the case of Wm. Waddle Pvt Co F 76th U.S.C.T. for bounty. Affidavit to be returned with letter. Referred to C.C. Bartlett S.A.C. Feby 25 1868 |

| Feby 25  225 | Howe A.P. Bvt Maj Genl | Washington D.C. Feby 19, 1868  Returns application of Adam Riley Pvt Co A 137 U.S.C.T. for authentication of the seal & signature of the Comm'r. before whom the paper was executed.  Referred to C.C. Bartlett S.A.C. Feby 25 1868 Forwarded corrected April 2 1868 |

| Feby 25  226 | Howe A.P. Bvt Maj Genl | Washington D.C. Feby 19 1868  Returns application of William Kenan Pvt Co E 48 U.S.C.T. for authentication of the seal & signature of the Comm'r before whom the paper was executed. Referred to C.C. Bartlett S.A.C. Feby 25 1868 Forwarded corrected April 2, 1868 |   

Transcription Notes:
Always check out city and town names online. Shubuta not Shubute in Mississippi.