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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| March 25  239 | Howe A.P. Bvt Major General | Washington D.C. March 20, 1868  Returns application of Charles Wood No. 2 late Pvt Co D 137 U.S.C.T. for correction. Referred to J C Hendrix S.A.C. March 25 1868 Forwarded to Gen Howard Ap'l 6. 1868 |

| March 25  240 | Howe A.P. Bvt Major General | Washington D.C. March 20, 1868  Returns application for Bounty of Henry Nixon late of Co H 137 U.S.C.T. for correction Referred to Jno. C. Hendrix S.A.C. March 25 1868 |

| March 25  241 | Howe A.P. Bvt Major General | Washington DC. March 20 1868  Returns application for bounty of Daniel Nickson late of Co H 137 U.S.C.T. for corrections. Referred to Jno C Hendrix S.A.C. March 25 1868  Referred back Apl 6. 1868. Forwarded corrected Apl 8. 1868 |

| March 25  242 | Howe A.P. Bvt Major General | Washington D.C. March 20 1868 Returns application for bounty of Samuel Nickson late of Co H 137 U.S.C.T. for correction Referred to Jno C Hendrix S.A.C. March 25 1868 |

| March 25  243 | Howe A.P. Bvt Major General | Washington D.C. March 20 1868 Returned Discharge papers of the following named colored soldiers the 2nd Auditor having decided that they are not entitled to bounty. George Rogers late Sergt Co "E" 40 USCT Stephen Russell late Pvt Co "E" 40 USCT Returned to DC Rugg S.A.C. who will acknowledge receipt March 25 1868 |

| March 25  244 | Hendrix J.C. Sub Asst Commr | Montgomery Ala  Mar 25 1868 Desires to be informed whether or not Pvt Armstrong (D Co 15 Infy) has been reported as on extra duty at this office as requested in communication of 28th Ulto. Referred to Genl Shepherd. March 27 1868 |

| Mch 28  245 | Howe A.P. Bt Maj Genl U.S.A. | Transmits discharge of Silas Moxley late Co K 96th U.S.C.T. whose claim is disallowed. Referred to S.S. Gardner. Mar 28. 1868. |

| Apl 1  246 | Harris J F  E and M 668, 705, 738. | Marion Ala  March 26 1868 States that Justice Johnson refuses to act in the case of Isham Garrett. |

| Apl 3  247 | Hale S.A. | Livingston Ala  Apl 1, 1868 Encloses affidavit of James A Powell in regard the drawing of $1000. by Geo' W Hayes Bu Agent who absconded with the money  Referred to C.W. Pierce for investigation |

| Apl 5  248 | Hedburg A. Capt 15th Infy USA  E & M 674 | Jacksonville Ala Mar 24, 1868 Reports as to condition of affairs in Sub Dist of Talladega. |

| 249 | Hedburg A. Capt 15th Infy USA  E & M 672 | Makes report of ill treatment of freedmen by one Jno Cunningham, white citizen |

| Apl 7  250 | Hendrix Jno. C. Sub Asst Comr. | Montgomery Ala  Apl 6, 1868  Desires to be informed whether the certificate of Discharge of David Bond U.S.C.T. has been received at that office. Forwarded to Gen Howard Apl 7 1868 |

| Apl 8  251 | Howe A.P. Bvt Maj Gen USA | Washington D.C. Apl 1st 1868  Returns discharge paper of William Roberts Co. "C". 110 U.S.C.T. whose claim for bounty is allowed & amount $243 00 is in the Hands of Chf Dis Officer for remittance to claimant. Transmitted to D.C. Rugg S.A.C. Apl 8 1868 |

| Apl 10  252 | Healy J B Agent &c | Girard Ala  Apl 8 1868  Reports his action in case of O.L. Lewis of Russell County, in regard to said Lewis killing Warren Amos a freedmen, and settling with laborers of said Lewis. Referred to Capt G K Sanderson C Affairs D of A Apl 10 1868 |