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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 9/66 3 | Johnson Thomas | Alias Joseph Baird 3rd U.S. Heavy Artillery confined at Huntsville Ala. for horse stealing asks for release. |

| Sept 22/66 5 | Jennings G.D. 2d Lt 23d V.R.C. A.C.S. | Huntsville Sept 12th 1866 Requests the detail of six enlisted men for duty in the Subsistence Department under his direction |

| Dec 31st/66 8 | Jones Elizabeth Freedwoman | Lauderdale Florence Ala Nov 20th 1866 States that her father was in the Govt. employ and had received any compensation for services up till time of death asks assistance in procuring the same |

| Dec 31st/66 9 | Jennings G.D. 2nd Lt V.R.C. A C S | Huntsville Dec 18th 1866 applies for authority to employ one laborer (civilian) in the Subs Dept under his direction |

| Feb 15th/67 13 | Jennings G.D. Lt & A.C.S. | Makes application to the Comdg. Officer Post of Huntsville for detail of one (1) man to perform the duties of clerk in the office of ACS |

| Mch 23/67 15 | Jennings G.D. 2nd Lt & AAQM | States that on the 26th of January 1866 Col. J.B. Callis forwarded for approval a requisition for 100 cords of wood. The requisition was forwarded to Genl Howard and approved that he made an estimate on Bvt Maj Genl Swords for funds to pay forward. The estimate was disapproved and no funds furnished. respectfully wait for instructions in the matter. |

| April 18th/67 16 | Jones John Bvt Maj V.R.C. | Forwards personal report |

| May 22d/67 18 | Jennings J.D. 2nd Lt. & AAQM | Huntsville May 16th 1867 Requests permission to delay turning over public property until the 21st of May 1867. |

| May 23d/67 19 | Jennings J.D. 2nd Lt. & AAQM | Inventory and Inspection Report of Subsistence Stores for which 2d Lt J D Jennings in responsible |

| May 29th/67 20 | Jennings J.D. 2nd Lt. & AAQM | Transmits estimate of funds for June 1867. |

| May 31st/67 21 | Jones Hyhan | Huntsville Ala. May 24th 1867. States that he is in Jail for selling two horses and asks assistance. |