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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 1st 1867  23 | Jones John Bvt Maj. & S.A.C. | Huntsville Ala. June 27th 1867  Encloses a copy of L.W. Days commission as U.S. Commissioner. |

| July 3rd 1867  24 | Jones John Bvt Maj. & S.A.C. | Forwards discharge and application for bounty of Francis Barnett Co "J" 44th USCT |

| Dec 15th 1866  8 | Johnson James Maj. V.R.C. & Supt. | Fredericksburg V.A. Dec. 6th 1866  Desires information of Agnes and Fannie children of Daphne Reed, cold. They were carried away in 1861 to Mobile Co. Ala. P.O. address Mt. Vernon Ala. Their mother desires them to come home and as she seems able to provide for them, he recomends that they be returned at Govt. expense. |

| May 20th  9 | Jones Mary H | Huntsville Ala. May 8th, 1867  Makes affidavit to her ownership in a mule. States the circumstances of the case desires trial and asks aid of the military authorities to secure her property. |

| June 14th 1867  10 | Judge Mrs  L.B. | Green Co. Ala May 30th 1867  Presents statement of her very disagreeable condition owing to the casualties of war, and the general want of order in the community and requests to be assisted from the "Destitute appropriation" till the crops on her place matured. has a large number of freed people around her, whom she is instructing &c |

| June 20th 1867  11 | Jackson Taylor | Tuscumbia Ala. June 17th 1867  Makes complaint against Mr Greene agent of the Bureau and against Mr Norman a Justice of the Peace |

| July 3 1867  12 | Jones Jno Bvt Maj Gnl Asst Comr  E & M 218, 320 | Huntsville Ala July 3, 1867  Enclosis letter from J W McDonald with reference to colored boy Chas Hall induced by one Danl Watley to leave home of Scooba Kemper Co Miss requests that the boy be sent back to his mother. |

|July 10, 1867  13 | Jones Jno Bvt Maj Gnl Asst Comr  E & M 228 | Huntsville July 8, 1867  Transmits application for bounty of late Pvt Thomas Terry Co "D" 44 U.S.C.T. |

[[3 Column Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 10, 67  14 | Jackson Thos. P. Agent E & M 240 | Stanton Va July 3rd, 1867  Mary Ellen Spriggs asks that inquiry be made for her brothers Daniel Charles & Clayton Hogshead sold to Mobile Ala.

| Aug 23 67  15 | Jones Jno 1' Lieut & Bvt Maj | Huntsville Ala Aug 3, 1867  Tenders his resignation of the office of 1' Lieut 7th V.R.C. to yake effect Sept 1st 1867 for the reason that he finds it impossible to serve any longer in his present position.  Forwarded Approved Aug 23 1867 |

| Sept 24th/67  16 | Johnson George  E & M 385 | Franklin Co. Ala. Sept. 21st 1867.  Statement regarding his living with certain cold woman &c. Asks for the Military authority to act in his behalf, states action of the civil authorities.  Returned to Geo. Johnson |

| Oct 11th 1867  17 | Johnson James Bvt. Lt. Col Sub. Asst. Comr.  E & M 410 | Fredericksburg, Va. Oct. 4th 1867.  Wishes to know if Evalina Peyton desires to return to her parents at Fredericksburg, Va.  Referred to Genl. Callis for information |

| Dec. 17th/67  18 | Jones Edward  E and M 501 | Stephenson. Ala. Dec. 9th 1867.  States he has built a church & school house on leased land - that the owner of the land now refuses to let him have the land &c.  Referred to Mr C.H. Buckley Supt of Education |

| Jany 13. 68  19 | Jackson Thos. O. Agent  E & M 522 | Stanton Va. Decr 28. 1867  States that W. Johnson Col has a wife Rebecca Johnson & 2 children at Eastabago Talladega Co Ala that he has deposited $20 with the Bureau to aid in paying expenses in joining him at Stanton & asks Bureau to furnish Balance of transportation &c. |

| Jany 23  20 | Jackson Thos. O. Agent E and M 59 & 560 | Stanton Va Jany 7 1868  Asks that inquiry be made at Tuscaloosa Ala for Danl Brown (Col) who was taken there by the wife of the Rev. Robt White. His mother is anxious to learn of his whereabouts. |

Transcription Notes:
The section starting "July 3 1867 12" has a lot of words to be double-checked. Section beginning "July 10, 67" is unfinished. Eastabago should be Eastaboga