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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |
| June 30th/66  6 | Logan Joseph 2nd Lt V.R.C. | Mobile June 27th 1866  Applies for leave of absence |

| July 19th/66  8 | Luttrell J. B. Near Lebanon Ala | Discharged soldier and Refugee applies for assistance |

| Aug" 4th/66  10 | Lindsay David R. Editor Florence Journal | Florence Alabama July 30th 1866 Recomends the retention of John N Green Esq. as Agent of the Bureau R F & A L at Tuscumbia Ala. Enclosed a letter to the same purport from F.L.B Goodwin Editor Alabamian at Tuscumbia Ala. |

| Aug" 7th/66  11 | Lee Martin & others |  Florence Alabama July 30th 1866 Represents that colored children are bound out without consent of their parents, asks for redress. |

| Aug" 25th/66  13 | Logan Joseph 2nd Lt V.R.C. Recorder | Mobile Ala. Aug"24th 1866  Transmits proceedings of a Board of Survey convened under Special Order No 31 Hd Qrs District of Alabama. |

| Nov" 24th/66  15 | Logan Joseph Lieut V.R.C. AAQM | Mobile Ala Nov 23rd 1866  Transmitting returns of articles purchased and expended by him during the month of Oct" 1866 |

| Dec" 13th/66  16 | Logan Joseph Lieut V.R.C. AAQM | Mobile Ala Dec" 12th 1866  Transmitting returns of QM stores purchased and expended in Nov" 1866. |

| Dec" 18th/66  17 | Logan Joseph Lt V.R.C. AAQM. Mobile | Transmits vouchers No 1 Abstract & Property Return for Oct" 1866 - asks to have letter of Chief QM of the Bureau returned. |

| Jan" 7th/67  18 | Logan Joseph Lt V.R.C. AAQM. Mobile | Transmits requisition for forage for January 1867. |

| Jan" 12th/67  19 | Logan Joseph Lt V.R.C. AAQM. Mobile | Transmits Monthly Return of QM Stores for the month of Dec" 1866. |

| Feb" 12th/67  22 | Logan Joseph Lt V.R.C. AAQM | Transmits month return of property pertaining to the B R F & A L for January 1867. |

| Feb" 25th/67  23 | Louisa, Freedwoman | Begs for advice and assistance to recover her two children Mariah aged 15 and Coleman aged 13 taken from her by force and bound by her former owner Wm Beard of Pickens Co Ala, address care G E Spruill, Columbus Miss. |