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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feb. 28th 1867  24 | Logan Joseph Lieut V.R.C AAQM | Transmits requisitions for forage for March. 1867. |

| Mch. 14th 1867  25 | Little - George | Requests that transportation be issued to Ellen Parker (Colored) from Eufaula Ala. to Raleigh NC |

| Mch. 2nd 1867  26 |Logan Joseph Lieut & AAQM | Transmits corrected and complete Returns of property pertaining to BRF &A L. for the month of Feb 1867. |

| Apl. 27th 1867  27 | Latham Ephraim | Larkinsville Ala. Apl 18th 1867  Details the circumstance of the murder of a freedman. 18 years old named James Sloan by a Mr Wm. Young. States that the Justice of the peace in the village refused to take cognizance of the case. That after the boy died he gathered a squad of men and pursued Young without success The Rebels all sympathizing with the murderer. |

| May 10th/67  28| Loyial Citizen | States that while passing Through Alexandria Calhoun Co, That he heard that a Col'd man had saved a white man. Gives the evidence that Gladden and his son had whipped the Col'd man Jim nearly to death and drove him from the plantation |

| May 31st 1867  29| Leland Mrs E M | Claremont N.H. May 18th 1867  Requests Genl Howard to assist her sister Mrs L.B. Judge Eutaw Ala, who is a widow with two children and a great many ex slaves on her hands that she has to support and whom she is engaged in teaching |

| June 11th 1867  31 | Lankford M. M. & others | Mobile June 4th 1867  Statement of Taxes assessed upon Col'd Barbers and complains of their injustice. |

| July 5 1867  32 | Lacy A  E & M 237 | Republican Grove July 2 1867  Requests information relative to Lotty Lacy a colored woman who was sold 13 years ago and requests that she be sent to Va. |

| Aug 12 1867  33 | Lamar Sarah  E & M 294.- | Atlanta Ga. Aug 2 1867  Makes affidavit to the official that her daughter Frances about 14 yrs is held from near by one Andrew Horn as Bridgeport Ala. is able to take care of child &c. |

| Aug 17 67  34 | Logan Joseph 2 Lieut & A.A.Q.M.  E&M 302 | Mobile Ala Aug 16 1867  Requests to be relieved from duty in the Bureau R F & A L and mustered out of the service of the U.S. for reasons stated within. |

| Sept 11 67  35 | Lovette Nathan Freedman | Clarborne Aug 23 1867  States that his two children were stolen from him about two months ago and asks that they be restored to him. Referred to Jno C Hendrix Sept 11 67 |

| Sept 30th/67  36 | Lakin A.S.  E and M 343 | Huntsville Ala Sept 26th 1867  Forwards an application to aid the freedmen in providing for themselves a place of worship and schoolhouse. Referred to Mr C. W. Buckley |

| Dec 9th/67  37 | Leuthall Mrs 464 - 14th Street | Washington DC. Dec. 4th 1867  Requests that the whereabouts of Simon and Lukey Pleasants, parents of Cornelius Diggs (supposed to be in Ala) may be ascertained. (official copy) Referred to all SA Coms & agents in Ala for investigation & report |

| Dec. 16th/67  38 | Laffin Hon A H MC  E and M 493 | Washington DC. Dec. 11h 1867  Forwards letter of Elizabeth Beverly of Louisville Ala praying for assistance from the Govt and giving full account of her sufferings and destitution in the South &c. Referred to Mr Wm. E Connelly SAC at Eufaula |

| 1868 Jany 24  39 | Levy Saml Judge Inferior Court Richmond Co Ga  E and M 533 | Augusta Ga Jany 11 1868  Asks for transportation for 4 children col from Montgomery Ala to Augusta Ga and certify to the ability of the father to provide for them. Forwarded to Genl Howard. Approved March 2 1868 |

Transcription Notes:
Reopened to edit names. 3-7-2021: Deciphered [[?]]s on left page with one remaining in entry from July 5, 1867; Made corrections and completed transcription by transcribing right page; Please do NOT mark for review or complete until all [[?]]s are resolved