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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 4th. 1866  3 | McKim J Miller Cor Sec Am. Fed & Union Com'r | States that a case of clothing forwarded to L F Mellon at Mobile, has not been heard from. Wishes to know if it has been received by Genl. Swayne, and what disposition has been made of it. |  

| June 23d/66  5 | Methodist members in Huntsville Ala, | Present certain facts relative to the M.E. Church in Huntsville Ala. |

| July 6th/66  7 | Markle N.B. | Garland Ala, July 5th 1866 Forwards copy of letter of Geo. Pattons, authorizing Garland Goode to sell lumber for the benefit of the State of Ala. |

| July 13th/66  8 | McGogy Jas T | Greenville Ala July 12th 1866 States that two of the soldiers sent to Greenville have been taken sick and he was compelled to employ a physician. also requests instructions in regard to a horse left by Captain Arthur while there. |

| July 24th/66  9 | Maura F | Greenville July 23d 1866 Desires to know from Col Beecher if vouchers and estimate for May were not forwarded says Bureau owes him $60 + 10 + 10 — for the quarters of May, Stationery and incident ex pd. |

| July 27th 1866  10 | McGogy J.F. | Greenville July 26th 1866 Recommends that John Dunn of Greenville be brought before the U.S. Commissioner to answer the charge of beating a colored woman. States that he has already been tried by civil authority. |

| Aug 8th 1866  11 | McGogy J F Agent | Monthly Report for the District of Greenville, for July 1866. Freedmen. |

| Aug 8th/66  12 | McGogy J F Agent | Monthly Report for the District of Greenville, for July 1866. Refugees. |

| Aug 9th/66  13 | McGogy J F Agent | Forwards bills and acknowledges receipt of copies of G.O. Greenville Aug. 8th 1866. |

| Aug 9th/66  14 | McGogy J F Agent | States that two freedmen employed at Greenville have been paid up to July 31st by Captain Arthur, and wishes to know if he is to pay them next month. |