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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Sept. 16th. 1867  98 | McGogy James F Sub. Asst. Comm'r.  E and M 369 | Talladega, Ala. Sept 11th. 1867  Acknowledges receipt of Registration Books, and reports his action in distributing the same |

| Sept. 21st/67  99 | Morrow John C Judge of Probate  E and M 370 | Tuscaloosa, Sept. 15th. 1867  Reports vacancy in the office of magistrate in Fayette Co. and recomends certain parties, Referred to Bvt Maj. S C Greene AAAG |

| Sept. 21st/67  100| McGuire Moses Judge of Probate  E and M 371 | Tuscaloosa Co. Alabama.  Reports that L.S. Skinner has resigned his position as Justice of the Peace in Precinct No. 16 Tuscaloosa County, Referred to Bvt Maj S.C. Greene A.A.A.G. |

| Oct. 7th 1867  101 | McComack John M E and M 397 | Cusseta, Ala. Sept. 30th. 1867. Statement regarding col'd. woman, which he has hired, states she is the mother of five children &c. Referred to Mr Rob't. F. Smith SAC Opelika. |

| Oct. 7th. 1867  102 | McGogy James F Sub. Asst. Comm. E and M 400 | Talladega, Ala, Sept. 23rd 1867. Requests that the revocation of Mr Wildas appointment be dated the 24th inst, the day on which he leave the Office, Returned to Mr McGogy S.A.C. Talladega |

| Oct. 11th 1867  103 | Moore Jno. C | Fayette Co. Fayette CH. States that he has been distributing Rations for Rob't. Blair Sub. Ass't. Com'r. and desires compensation for his services. Returned to W.C. Arthur, A.C.S. |

| Oct. 14th 1867  104 | McCann. | Newbern, Ala. Oct. 10th. 1867. | States the condition of freedmens school at Newbern and requests help from the Gov't Referred to C.M. Buckley Supt of Education |

| Oct. 15th 1867  105 | Moore Chas. H  Lt. Col. 117th. U.S.C.T.  E and M 414 | Brownville Texas, June 6th" 1867.  Reports a certain case in which freedmen are interested. Requests Ass't. Com'r. of Texas to find a certain freedman supposed to live in Dallas Co. Ala. Returned to Asst. Com'r. for Texas |

| Oct. 18th/67 106 | Moore S Agent Bureau &c | Hollywood, Baldwin Co. Ala. Oct. 15th 1867. Regarding appropriation of $300. for purpose of building a school house for cold people, &c Referred to C.W. Buckley Sup't. of Education |

| Oct. 30th/67  107 | McGogy James F Sub Ass't. Com'r. | Talladega. Ala. Oct. 28th. 1867 States his conversation with Judge of Probate of Talladega C. regarding transfer of Hosptl. to civil authorities. Referred to Chas. J Kipps Surg in Chief Dist. of Ala. |

| Nov 4th/67  108 | McGogy James F Sub Ass't. Com'r. | Talladega, Alabama. Nov. 1st. 1867. Forwards requisition for medicines  Referred to Cha's. J. Kipp, Act'g. Surg. in Chief Dist. of Ala. |

| Nov. 20th/67  109 | Mera C.A. de la Bvt Maj V.R.C. Sub Asst. Com'r  E and M 464, 587  Referred to Maj Green Jany 25, 68 | Rome Georgia. Oct. 12th 1867. Reports that Army clothing was offered for sale in Auction House in this place, That owner is in Jacksonville reported to be connected with Bureau. Clothing was forwarded from Nashville, Tenn. Property has been seized and parties holding it instructed not to dispose of any portion until they receive further instructions. Referred to Mr J.F. McGogy S.A.C. at Talladega. |

| Nov. 27th/67  110 | McGogy James F Sub Asst. Com'r. | Talladega, Alabama. Nov. 23rd. 1867. Reports unmerciful treatment of cold man, and applies for a small detachment of soldiers. Referred to Bvt. Maj S. C. Greene, A.A.A.G. Dist. of Ala. | 

| Dec. 7th 1867  111 | Mason J M  E and M 486 | Union Springs, Ala. Dec 1867. Affidavit of R B Hill vs J D Hadley relating to partnership between them, &c Referred to Mr. Wm E Connelly SAC at Eufaula | 

| Dec. 17th/67  112 | McNeil Mrs H A | Selma, Alabama, Dec 7th 1867 States she has been teaching Cld school, was employed by Lt Shorkley and desires transportation for herself and another teacher to their homes. Referred to Mr. C.W. Buckley Supt of Education | 

Transcription Notes:
Watch out for an "e" written as a small capital E sideways in a word see Moore & Bureau in section 106 as an example INCOMPLETE: Has many [[?]]. Please transcribe 110, 111, and 112 on the second page.