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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 24 68  128 | McMillan A.A.  Judge of Probate  E & M 593 | Rockford Ala Feby 19 68  Requests information relative to Circular No. 5. Hdqrs Dist of Ala 68 |

| Feby 25  129 | McNally WA  ASA Commr  E and M 596. 667. | Culpeper Cty Va Feby 14 68  States that Charlotte Demcom (Col) an old person asks the assistance of the Bu. in funding her daughter Mary Lathan who is said to be living in Fairfield Pickens County Ala with a Mr. Harrison who formerly lived in Prince Williams County Va. |

| March 3  130 | McRae Polly  E and M 609 | Wayne County Miss Feby 17, 1868  States that Mrs E King of Choctaw County Ala has in her possession one of her children which she declines to deliver up Asks for assistance.|

| March 17  131 | Moore S  M.D.  E & M 631. 648. | Mobile Ala March 17 1868  Requests aid from the Bureau to enable him to continue to provide medicine &c for poor people in his locality. | 

| April 2  132 | McGogy James F  Sub Asst Commmr  E & M 671 | Talladega Ala March 30 1868  Suggests an effective method of vindicating the rights of the colored man |

| April 3. 133 | McCullough A.W.  E & M 700 | Huntsville Ala Mch 20, 1868.  Requests assistance in building school for freed people. |

| April 13  134 | McGogy James F  Sub Asst Commr | Talladega April 9 1868  Forwards report of a committee who report proceedings in violation of Gen'l Orders No. 53 Hdqrs 3rd. Mil Dist. since 1867 Referred to Capt Sanderson. Charge of C.A Apl 13 1868 |

| Apl 13  135 | Mills J.H.W.  Agent & D.O.  E and M 688 | Athens Ala Apl 9 1868  Requests instructions in relation to duties and also for office furniture &c &c |

| Apl 19.  136 | Miles N.A. Bvt Maj Gen Asst Comr  (Thro Bu Hdqrs) E&M 692. | Raleigh N.C. Apl 9, 1868. Requests transportation for Mary Gillespie & child (Col) from Raleigh N.C. to Tuscumbia Ala. She is without means &c. Returned Apl 28 1868 with the information that the husband is able to support his wife. |

| Apl 27.  137. | Milner Jno T. Supt N & S RR. EM 714. 728. | Montgomery Ala Apl 24, 1868.  Requests that buildings belonging to the Bureau be removed to make room for improvements by the Company. |

| May 22  138. | McGogy, J.F. Sub Asst Comr | Talladega Ala. May 16, 1868.  In relation to expenditure of funds in aid of college at Talladega. States that he thinks it improper on the part of the Bout to uphold any particular religious determination.  Referred to H.M. Bush Dept of Education May 23, 1868. |

| June 3  139. | McGogy, James F. Sub Asst Comr | Talladega Ala May 31, 1868.  Forwards application of James W May for position of Register in Chancery for 37th Dist.  Referred to Capt. Sanderson USA. Inspector Chrg Civil affairs | 

| 140 | Same | Talladega Ala June 9, 1868. Calls attention to former letter relating to purchase of wood for detachment of us soldiers  Refer to Bvt Major W.T. Hurtz AAAG Sub D of Ala |

| June 14  141 | McGogy J.F Sub Asst Comr | Talladega Ala June 6, 1868.  Requesting information in regard to papers referred to Capt Hedburg concerning arrest of one Cunningham for assaulting negroes. |

| June 14  142 | Mills J.H.W. Agent & D.O. | Athens Ala June 6, 1868.  Forwards appreciation for bounty &c of Jno. Fletcher. Pvt Co "B" 44th USC.T. Discharge enclosed.  Forwarded to Commr June 15, 1868. |

Transcription Notes:
not complete Now complete except for some words and phrases indicated by [[?]]