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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 18  143. | Mills J.H.W. Agent & D.O. | Athens Ala June 12, 1868.  transmits application for arrears of pay and bounty for Mingo Love B. 2d Ala Col Infy. ad Julius Machled "K" 111th USCT. Forwarded to Genl Howard Com'r June 18, 1868 | 

| June 22  144 | Mills J.H.W. Agent & D.O. | June 18. 1868.  Forwards application for arrears of bounty &c of Geo W. Hussey, late of E Co 44th USCT. Forwarded to Commr June 22, 1868. |

| June 29,  145 | May Middleton Freedman | Columbus Ga June 19 1868.  Affidavit in relation to the taking of five drays which he had purchased at Gov't sale, by Zachariah Garnel of Montgomery, Ala. Ref'd to J. C. Hendrix S.A. Com'r Montgomery Ala | 

| June 30  146 | Mills J.H.W. Agt & D.O. | Athens Ala June 26 1868  Transmits discharges and application for bounty &c of William Townsend Pvt Co "H" 110 U.S.C.T. Forwarded to Gen Howard June 30 1868 |

| July 10  147 | McCall D.A. Judge &c | Union Springs Ala July 2 1868  Requests to be informed if holding the position of a member of the Court of Co Comm'r's of Roads &c before the War and of State Senator during the War disqualifies him from holding office &c &c |

| July 18  148 | Moseback Fred Sub Asst Comm'r.  E. & M. 859 | Atlanta Ga July 11, 1868  Gives Claims of F Simons for wages for son Thornton of 27.70 for 87 days labor at $10 per mo and rations vs A F Chishom of Chambers Co Ala, requests that the claim be referred for Collection. Referred to Hunter S.A.C. July 18, 1868 Referred to D. B. Smith S.A.C. Nov. 3" 68 | 

| July 28  149 | Mills J.H.W. Agent &c | Athens July 23 1868  Transmits name of place of residence of America Brown late Pvt Co D 110 U.S.C.T. Forwarded to Genl Howard July 28 1868 | 

| Jul 31 150 | McWhorter Aggie | July 31 150 | McWhorter Aggie | Greene County Ga July 20, 1868.  Makes affidavit that her son Reuben is now living with Lewis Wilson in Chambers Co Ala that she has written for him several times but can get no answer requests the Bureau to assist her in reclaiming her son as she is fully able to support and educate him. Referred to Lieut Bannister S.A.C. Aug 1 1868 | 

| Aug 4"  151 | McCullough A.W.  E and M 794 | Huntsville Ala. July 24" 1868.  Wishes to know to what extent and in what manner the Bureau is going to aid in the education of Freedmen. If the Bureau will pay rent &c. | 

| Sept 5"  152 | Mooar, J.W.  A.A. Surg in chg | Garland, Ala. Sept 1" 1868  Transmits Ration Returns for month of September 1868 for freedmens hospital at that place, for 32 Children 18 Men, and 30 Women total 80. Respectfully forwarded to Lt. Duff, C.S. Montgomery Ala approved Sept. 5" 1868. | 

| Sept. 16"  153 | McGogy, J.F. S.A.C. | Greenville. Sept 11" 68  Enquiries of his affidavit respecting the loss of a horse in July 1867 has been received in the Office of Commissioner, and if so what action has been taken in the case. | 

| Sept 21"  154 | McGogy, J.F. S.A.C.  E. & M. 840. | Greenville Ala Sept 11" 68 Enquires if Par. 4. Circular 6, will authorize him to employ a private Physician as provided for in Paragraph 1309 & 1310, U.S. Army Regulations 1863. Referred to Commissioner Sept 21" 68. |