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[[3 Columned Table]] 
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feb. 25th. 67 97 | O'Connor P. E. Bvt. Captain V.R.C. AAQM | Transmits vouchers to abstract "J." stores pertaining to BRF & AL. for Jan 1867. to Chief QM BRF & AL Washington D.C. |

| Feb. 25th. 67 99 | O'Conner P. E Bvt. Captain. 1st Lt. V.R.C. AAQM | Inquires whether an enlisted man detained by S.O. as Clerk in QM Dept. is entitled to extra pay | 

| Feb. 25th. 67 100 | Orders Special No. 31 Dept. Tenn. Feb. 18th 1867 | Par 111 S.O. 98 series 1866, from these Hd. Qrs. is corrected to read G. D. Janning instead of E. J. Jennings | 

| Mch. 2nd/67 104 | O'Connor P. E. Bt. Captain A.A.Q.M. | Demopolis Feb "5th 1867 Requests that he be authorized to him a clerk or that a soldier be detailed as such he not being able to perform the duty of AAQM & A.C.S. without the aid of a clerk. He also requests that the stableman be retained in his employ and encloses table of reports &c required of him for the consideration and action of the Maj. Gen. Commanding. |

| Mch. 4th 1867 107 | Orders Special No. 93 War Dept. A.G.O. Feb. 21st 1867 | Detach 1st Lt. Geo Shorkley 15th USI in addition to his other duties as Recruiting Officer for 38th USI. to report by letter to Bvt Maj Genl Hazen. Commanding Regiment at Jefferson Barracks Missouri for instructions. |

| Mch. 12th/67 109 | O'Connor P. E. Bvt. Captain AAQM | Encloses rolls of enlisted men employed on detached service in QM Dept. BRF & AL, Demopolis Ala. |

| Mch. 14th/67 110 | Same | Transmits for the Comr of Washington D.C. Reports of Persons &c hired and discharged with pay due in The Sub. Dept. & Q.M. Dept. BRF & AL Feb "1867 |

| Mch. 15th/67 112 | O'Connor P. E. Bvt Captain & AAQM | Requests that Wm A Ruben Co D. 33rd USCI clerk in QM Dept. under his charge be relieved and a competent man be detailed in his stead. States that Private Ruter is but of little assistance and ignorant of the duties of a clerk in the Q.M. Dept. |

| Jan. 19th 1867 114 | Occleston Wm 68 Bvt Maj "Comdg" Post | Transmits paper relative to claim made by Madam Julia Clark for the possession of a certain mouse colored horse captured by one Captain Sparks, and permitted to be retained by Wm Freeman of Jacksonville Ala, by order of L Johns Col. 44th USI. Comdg. Dist. of Huntsville. |

| Apl 3rd/67 117 | O'Connor P.E. Bvt. Captain & AAQM | Requests authority to purchase fresh beef for the Freedmens Hospital at Demopolis. The beef shipped from Selma almost on every occasion being unfit for issue can be purchased at Demopolis at the present contract rates. Has no personal interest in the application, has a wish to avoid Board of Security and to apply the Hospital with meat fit for use. |

| Apl 16th/67 119 | Same | Forwards papers in relation to one Jackson Clarks charged with stealing a horse and now confined in jail at Huntsville Ala. |

| Apl. 22nd/67 124 | Same | Reports Private Jas Mack Co. "D" 15th U.S.I. absent for the past two (2) days, requests his immediate removal and doesn't consider him a fit man to be on detached service. |

| Apl 23rd/67 125 | Orders Special No. 200 War Dept. A.G.O. | In regard to 2nd Lt. G D Jannings 23rd Regt V.D.C. being mustered out and honorably discharged the service of the W.S. to date Apl 5th 1867 on account of services being no longer required. |

| Apl. 29th/67 130 | O'Connor Bvt. Captain P. E.  A.A.Q.M. | Requests that his Receipt Roll and Report of persons and articles hired in the QM and Supt. Departments for the month of March 1867, be returned |

| Apl 29th/67 131 | Order Special No. 211 War Dept. A.G.O. | Relieves 2nd Lieut G. D. Jannings from duty in the Bureau RF & AL and orders him to join his Regt. without delay at Petersburg V.A. |

| May 4th/67 137 | Osborne J. J. | Mobile May 3rd 1867 States that he purchased of Captain Keen AAQM of the Freedmans Bureau a flatboat for ($137.50/00) that he has been subjected to a suit for the recovery of the same judgement given against him. and himself put under bonds not to leave Mobile, asks that he be protected in the possession of the property, or that the money paid by him to the Govt. therefore be refunded. |

| July 16th. 1867 138 | Occleston W. B. Bvt. Maj Comdg Post E & M 249 | Huntsville July 14 1867 Reports that A. J. McKiernan has closed the school house built by the freedmen on his plantation and refuses to obey any orders from these Hd Qrs to open it to them. |

Transcription Notes:
not completed Edited: removed header information for 2nd page, treat as a single page with single table, changes and corrections