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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Recieved. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug. 3rd/66  16 | Pence T. L. | Loachapoka, Ala, July 31st 1866 | Applies for rations for a colored women and five small children deserted by the husband and father. |

| Aug. 8th/66  17 | Pierce C. W. Bvt. Maj. Sup't | Makes Monthly Report Refugees for the month of July for District of Demopolis. |

| Aug. 8th/66  18 | Same | Makes Monthly Report Freedmen for the month of July for Dist. of Demopolis. |

| Aug. 10th/66. 19 | Pierce C.W. Bvt. Maj. |Demopolis, Ala. Aug. 6th 1866.  Forwards proceedings of a Board of Survey S.O. 24 Hd. Qrs. Dist. of Ala. | 

| Aug "20th./66. 20 | Peebles David | Benton. Ala. Aug "16th" 1866 - Asks when to apply for rations for a freedwoman and whether he cannot draw money and buy food for her. |

| Aug" - 1866 21 | Posey S.C. | Florance May 16th 1866 Requests that application be made to Genl Swayne for the restoration of a mule to Willie Kernachaw |

| Aug 30th./66 22 | Paterson A. Worley | Decatur. Ala. May 28th 1866 Represents that on the 26th inst. at Decatur, Ala. Col. J.H. King late of Rebel army, shot and dangerously wounded a freedman named Taylor Harris in a drunken spree and has committed various other outrages. The civil authorities refuse to arrest him, something ought to be done with him. (2 Enclosures) |

| Sept. 6th./66. 24 | Parker Benj F. | Greenville, Ala, Sept. 4th 1866 Requests information respecting the future supply of rations for the town Hospital. |

| Sept. 19th./66 25 | Peck Miss J.B. | Wetumpka, Ala, Sept. 14th 1866 Detailing wrongs practiced upon a family of freedmen by a man named Jennings, asking advice and protection & assistance for the oppressed negroes. |

| Sept. 21st./66 26 | Pierce C. W. Bvt. Maj. Sup't BRF&AL | Demopolis Ala, Sept. 17th. 1866 Asks instructions as to the causes to be pursued in case of wrong done to Freedmen by discharging them on frivolous pretexts without payment of their accrued wages; of which he cites an instance. |

| Oct. 19th./66 27 | Same | Demopolis, Ala, Oct. 15th. 1866 Transmits Inventory and Inspection Reports of Sub's stores. Q.M. stores and C.C.&G.E. for the action of the Maj Genl Comdg |

| Nov. 10th./66 30 | Pierce C. W. Bvt. Maj. Sup't RF&AL | Demopolis Nov. 7th. 1866. Requests permission to exchange a lot of mens shoes for womans and childrens for use of Hospital and Colony at Demopolis. |

| Nov. 21st./66. 31 | Same | Demopolis Nov. 7th. 1866 Wishes information in regard to three freed children left at Randolph N.C. |

| Nov. 21st./66 32 | Same | Demopolis Nov. 9th. 1866. Desires information in regard to three freed children left at Richmond V.A. |

| Nov. 21st./66 33 | Same | Dempolis Nov. 15th. 1866 - Requests copy of an order from Genl Grant relating to the arrest of Military by the civil authorities. | 

| Nov. 27th./66 34 | Same | Forwards proceedings of a Board of Survey command at office of C.S. at Demopolis, Ala, under S.O.66. Sub" Dept. of Ala, Nov. 10th. 1866. |

| Dec. 18th./66 39 | Pierce C. W. Bvt. Maj. Sup't BRF&AL | Demopolis Dec. 11th 1866 Transmits proceedings of a Board of Survey command at Demopolis Dec. 7th. 1866 pursuant to S.O. No 73 Sub" District of Ala. |

| Jan. 4th./67 41 | Peck Wm H.H. Captain VRC Asst. Supt. | Forwards statement of Dan'l O. Waeds, late Private Co. H 5th Reg.t US Vols with his discharge, forwarded with the purpose of obtaining data from the War Department upon which to base a claim for pay, allowances, and bounty. |

| Jan. 12th./67 43 | Pierce C. W. Bvt. Maj. & Sup't | Requests transportation from Richmond V.A. for Carolina. |

Transcription Notes:
Loachapoka, AL