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| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |

| Mch" 20th/67 120 || Schley, J.L. | Fort Deposit, Ala. Mch" 15th 67 States that on the 14th inst. a Mr. Johnson run off one of his freedmen named Gunn Wright and pursued him with a gun. That Thos. Blake a magistrate lives near where this occurred, no action is taken in the affair. Desires his name kept dark, but can give proof in the case. |

| Mch" 21st/67 122 | Sharp J.W. Captain & Supt BRF&AL | Lexington V.A. Mch" 5th 1867 States that Lewis Todd (col'd) represents that his wife Mildred Todd and his son Augusta aged 17 years and daughter aged 15 years, (Kitty) now living in the city of Montgomery Ala and requests aid of the Govt. in their return to him he is able to provide for then but unable to pay their fare, invites attention to enclosed correspondence between them. |

| Mch" 28th/67 124 | Shorkley Geo" Lieut & Supt. | Returns letter of the 22d 1867 and asks for information in regards to the issue of supplies |

| March 29th/67 125 | Shatz J A.A. Surgeon | States that he bought a cow and that she strayed or was stolen and wandered back to the place where she was bought and requests that Mr Garratt be ordered to return her or show what disposition has been made of her. |

| April 2d/67 126 | Slade Rev. T.B. | Columbus G.a. Mch" 30th 1867 Requests the Bureau RF & AL to relieve him of the charge of a foundling (5 mos old) abandoned at his house. |

| Apl" 15th/67 141 | Shorkley Geo 1st Lr. 15th Infantry | Transmits herewith copy of a Board of Survey approved this day, convinced to report upon alleged deficiencies in certain subsistence stores received by Bvt Captain Joseph Groves A.E.S. invoiced by Bvt Captain P.E.O'Connor A.C.S. |

| April 24th/67 145 | Shorkley Geo" 1st Lieut & Sub" Asst. Comr. | Requests that such steps to be taken as will secure the exchange of Discharge papers between Moses Boodis and Thos. Japsey |

| Apl. 26th/67 148 | Swayne Wager Maj General | Acknowledges receipt of appointment of Captain 45th U.S.I. for J.B. Callis and requests the time for him to signify his acceptance may be extended ten days |
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| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |

| Apl. 27th/67 150 | Shorkley Geo" 1st Lieut S.A.C | Applies for ten (10) forms application for bounty under Act of Congress July 28th 1866 for soldiers who have lost discharge papers |

| Apl. 30th/67 152 | Sherry W. M. M.D. Bridgport Ala | States that he had his eye shot out by a Rebel while at work in his corn field, states that he was a surgeon in the U.S.A. and asks protection from rebels. |

| May 6th/67 155 | Sanderson Geo" H. Captain & A.A.A.G. | Refers papers in the case of S.W.Cockrall and of Jack and Alex" Coloin for investigation and report. |

| May 6th/67 156 | Shorkley Geo 1st Lieut Sub" Asst. Comr.  | Writes that he  requested Mr Cooke to remove body of John L Gown late Chief Clerk in this Office to Montgomery which has done and asking an order covering his action if necessary |

| May 9th/67 161 | Shorkley Geo" 1st Lt Sub" Asst. Comr. | Applies for necessary blanks to obtain bounties due soldiers who have lost their discharge papers |

| May 9th/67 162 | Slater O.P. | Marango Co" April 22d 1867. In regard to three children apprenticed last Dec" a few hours after the death of their Mother, to C Moose states that they are in worse slavery than they ever were & applies for their release. |

| May 10th/67 167 | Spawn S.G. Civilian agent | Newburn Alabama Denies that he ever charged ten per cent for collecting freedmans claims, and makes sundry explanations. |

| May 25th/67 174 | Shanklin, A. | Pickens County Alabama Papers in the case of A Shanklin who was joint security on bond of $1000 for the appearance at a term of Circuit Court Pickens County of J.J. Bethany charged with adultery, defendent not appearing at time of trial execution order for the value of the bond. |

| May 28th/67 177 | Shepherd Col O.L. Bvt. Brig Genl Comdg. Post | Proceedings of a Board convened at Selma Ala Mch" 20/67 Subsistence stores for which Bvt Captain J Groves is responsible. |

| May 29th/67 181 | Shorkley Geo" Lieut & S.A.C. | States that Captain Gardners presence as a witness is desired by the court of this Co" in the case of William the murderer |
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Transcription Notes:
3-11-2021: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review