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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| May 30th/67 182 | Survey Board of | Proceedings of a Board of Officers convened at Montgomery Ala. pursuant to S.O. No 5  Hd. Qrs. Dist. of Ala. Ap'l 23d 1867  Bvt. Lt. Col. Edwin Beecher President 2d Lt L. J. Whiting  Recorder |

| May 31st/67  185 | Shorkley Geo. Lieut 15th Infantry & S A C | applies for transportation F. Perkins and one boy 12 years old from Macon Ga to Selma Ala |

| June 3rd/67  191 | Sheraw C. C. | Mobile, Ala. May 3rd 1867 Asks for transportation for Mr Brick who is sick &c, and wishes to go to Buffalo N.Y. |

| June 4th/67  193 | Sealbury S. H. | Cusseta, May 31st 1867 Petition relative to a gray Guilding 16 hands high. claimed and taken possession of by D.L. Nicholson under order of Col. Callis Huntsville, Ala. |

| June 7th/67  196 | Swayne Wager  Maj. Gen'l & Ass't Com'r | Montgomery May 20th 1867 Recommends the muster out of Bvt Captain Joseph Groves 1st Lt. V.R.C. his services being no longer required |

| June 10th/67  201 | Skipper J. G. W. | Requests instructions as manner to whom reports of rations distributed to destitute shall be made. |

| June 12th/67  204 | Survey Board of | Proceedings of Board convened at Montgomery May 22/67 by virtue of S.O. 12 Dist. of Ala. May 20th/67 Duplicate copies returned to Lt. Browning |

| June 12th/67  206 | Schatz J Bvt. Maj. U.S.A. | Makes statement in regard to the Beef now furnished the Hospital at the Post and desired some action taken in the matter. |

| June 14th/67  210 | Spann H. | Enon, Ala. June 7th 1867 States that one Mr. W.W. Robinson refuses to pay his hands that he had employed last year, and evades the revenue law |

| June 25th/67  222 | Silsby. J. |  Selma June 13th 1867 Requests help in behalf of the widow of Wm. Allen of the 15th Iy, Killed at the Battle of Chicomanga cannot apply for a pension for want of proof of the soldiers death.  |
[[/3 columned table]]

[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| July 7, 67 223 | Smith Robt. T. Sub Asst Commr E&M 220 | Opeleka Ala July 5th 1867 Acknowledges receipt of 509 sacks of Corn & Invoices and receipts for 909 sacks shipped from Mobile by St Sogaw & inquires what disposition is to be made of same whether all from Lee Co or to be divided between the Co of the Sub Dist if the latter how transported. |

| July 14, 67 224 | Shorkley Geo 1st Lieut 15 Infy & S.A. Commr E&M 243 | Selma Ala July 12 1867 Acknowledges receipt of communication of 10th inst and with reference to Judge Parafory withdraws request for his removal |

| July 20, 67 225 | Shorkley Geo 1st Lieut 15 Infy & S.A. Commr E&M 245 252 | Selma Ala July 18 1867 Transmits vouchers for rent of buildings in Selma Ala of Sarah R Prestridge Administrating for Dr. J.C. Prestridge |

| July 20, 67 226 | Sears Jas H. Teacher E&M 251 | Selma Ala July 15 1867 Submits affidavit concerning an assault upon him by Warren F Syman, WT Rothrock Requests that the Military authorities take cognizance of the case &c. |

| July 23 67 227 | Skipper Jno G.W. Agt Dale Co. E&M 261 | Dale County Ala 1867 Makes statement of discrepancy in amount of Corn and Bacon shipped and amount received |

| July 27 67 228 | Small J.M. | Tallepoosa Co Ala July 25 1867 States that the freedmen in his Beat are anxious to start a school and inquires what the pay the teachers receive &c. Referred to C.W. Buckley July 27 1867 |

| Aug 6 1867 229 | Skipper J.C.W. | Newbern July 31st 1867 | Requests a supply of blank forms to enable him to make out his reports Referred to W.C. Arthur A.C. Aug 6 1867 |
[[/3 columned table]]

Transcription Notes:
3-11-2021: Completed transcription per guidelines and marking for review e