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[[3 columned table]]

|1869 Jun 8. 1 | 7 Bullock. G. 7 Brt Brg Genl. U.S.A Chf D. O. | War Dept. Bur. R.F + A L. Washington Jun 2 '69 Encloses set of vouchers for bounty due Hettie Philips to the amount of $331 76/100 for signature Forwarded to Mrs Hettie Phillips in care of Mr Geo. W. Hewitt of Elyton. Ala. Jan 8"69 |

| Jan 2 '69 2 | Bush, Henry Chf Qr Mr |Montgomery Jan 26'69 States that the business of the Q.M. Dept. required the services of Jno H. Walker and W. J. Anderson former clerks in that office until the 15 instant, and requests that they may be paid for that time. Forwarded to Commr. with request that the application be granted Jan 26"69 |

| Feb 9" 69 3 | Selma Ala Feb 4" 69 States that Edmond Brown late of Co B. 23" U.S.C.T. sent his discharge to Messrs Agnew & Bishop Washington. D.C. over a year ago for collection of bounty &c to which no answer has been rec'd and asks if the Bureau cannot assist him in obtaining his claims &c. Request to H.M. Bush Asst Supt. Selma Ala Feb  9"
[[/3 columned table]]

Transcription Notes:
3-10-2021: Deciphered remaining [[?]]s; Reformatted table per guidelines; Made corrections; Add missing text; Completed transcription and marking for review