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[[8 columned table]]
| No | Name | Place | Date | When Rec'd | Contents | Reference | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 86 | Sullivan T.C. Bvt Maj & C.S. U.S.A. Chf C.S. 3d Dist | Atlanta Ga | May 31" 67 | June 3d 67 | Wishes the Comsy Dept of Ala to purchase 1000 Barrls of Corn meal of him |   |   |
| 87 | Beebe W.M. Jr. Capt 38" U.S.I. | Washington D.C. | May 3d 67 | June 3" 67 | Requests transportation for 6 freed people from Tuscumbia Ala to Washington |  | Endorsement of Genl Howard Genl Swayne, Genl Callis |
| 88 | Tracy Geo. H. Bvt Maj 15 U.S.I. & S.A.C. | Mobile, Ala | June 1" 67 | June 3d 67 | Acknowledges receipt of letter of 31st ult from this office and expresses himself as favorable to the assignment of Capt Grierson A.Q.M. to duty as B.Q.M. of Post |   |   |
| 89 | Gallaher J.C. | Abbeville, Ala | May 28" 67 | June 3d 67 | Letter as Counsel for prosecution rel to Sophia Kirkland (cold) vs B. Holland |   |   |
| 90 | Whittlesey E. A.A. Inspt. Genl | Washington D.C. | May 28" 67 | June 3d 67 | Calls attention to Circular No 11 April 11-67 from Commissioner B.R.F. and A.L. |   |   |
| 91 | Kinsman O.D. Sub. Asst Comm'r | Montgomery Ala | May 15" 67 | June 3d 67 | Letter to Jas. F. McGogy - S.A.C. Talladega relative to the apprenticeship of 3 col'd child'n |   |Returned with endorsement of D.J. F. McGogy, Sub. Asst. Com |
| 92 | McGogy Jas. F. Sub. Asst Commr | Talladega, Ala | May 30th 67 | June 3d 67 | Reports observations during late tour thro' his Dist. made in compliance with order of Genl Swayne |   | Returns communication & endorsements of O.D. Kinsman Sub. Asst Comm |
| 93 | McGogy J.F. Sub. Asst. Comm'r | Talladega, Ala | May 30" 67 | June 3" 67 | Requests issuance of an order to enable him to collect traveling expenses |   |   |
| 94 | Killebrew Charles | Talladega Co. Ala | May 26" 67 | June 3" 67 | States that W.A. Wilson refuses to release his children as requested by S.A. Comm'r Sub Dist of Talladega |   | Endorsement of J.F. McGogy S.A.C.|
| 95 | Williams J.S. Judge of Probate | Clayton Ala | May 25th 67 | June 3d 67 | Returns communication of Dr. L.G. Wilson - endorsed by O.D. Kinsman S.A.C. relative to apprenticeship of Cold boy J. Mecor |   |(6 enclosures)|