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[[8 columned table]]
| No | Name | Place | Date | When Rec'd | Contents | Reference | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 450 | Connelly W.E. Sub Asst Comr | Eufaula, Ala | July 18th 67 | July 22d 67 | Recommended by Dr D. Dean as Bureau Agt in Bulloch Co. |   |   |
| 451 | Connelly W.E. Sub Asst Comr | Eufaula, Ala | July 18th 67 | July 22d 67 | Transmits receipted accts for Stationery, rent of office & stable |   |   |
| 452 | Osborne J.J. | Mobile, Ala | July 20th 67 | July 22d 67 | Acknowledges receipt of communication of the 19th inst & requests copy of endorsement on his papers |   |   |
| 453 | Saunders F.A. | Selma, Ala | July 20th 67 | July 22d 67 | Asks that Dan Brooks (Col'd) convicted of horse stealing, be pardoned. |   |   |
| 454 | Callis Bvt Brig Genl J.B. S.A.C. | Huntsville, Ala | July 20th 67 | July 23d 67 | Acknowledges receipt of Discharge papers of Pvts R. Matthews & E. Wiggins |   |   |
| 455 | 383 B.B. Rec'd back |  |  | July 23d 67 | Endorsement of Genl Sewell A.A.A.G. By order of Commissioner |   |   |
| 456 | 108 B.B. Rec'd back |  |  | July 23d 67 | Endorsement of Bvt Brig Genl J.B. Callis Sub Asst Comr |   |   |
| 457 | Pierce Bvt. Maj. C.W. Sub Asst Comr | Demopolis, Ala | July 18th 67 | July 23d 67 | Reports progress of Registration |   |   |
| 458 | Drake Wesley | Demopolis, Ala | July 22d 67 | July 23d 67 | Asks aid from Bureau to get pay due him under contract. |   |   |
| 459 | Skiffer John G.H. Agt Comsy for | Dale County |  | July 23d 67 | Sends statements of corn & bacon received & issued to destitute. |   |   |
| 460 | McCulloch Hugh Secty of Treasury | Washington D.C. | July 13th 67 | July 24th 67 | Inquires if War Dept will transfer to Treasury Dept the furniture of Mann Hospitals at Mobile |   |   |
| 461 | Siler J.W. Judge of Probate | Troy Pike Co. Ala | July 19th 67 | July 24th 67 | Stains that he has released from indenture Jessie & Flora |   |   |