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When I was furnished with a communication of which the following is a true copy.

"Q M Office Huntsville Ala"
January 13th 1864
"The interests of the service requires the occupation of the premises & property where you now reside for Government use, the property has been assigned as Headquarters for Maj Gen Sherman. You are therefore respectfully notified to deliver possession thereof to the undersigned within two days from date. In vacating the premises you will leave all household furniture & fixtures pertaining thereto, taking only the personal & private baggage of yourself & family"
"By order E.W Cleft"
"Lt & A A QM in chg Buildings"
Geo T Beirne Esq
Huntsville Ala

Not being able to make the necessary arrangements to remove my family then at home in the required time, I received the following.

Q M Office Huntsville Ala Jany 16 1865
"Sir, I have respectfully to inform you that a strict compliance with my order of the 15 Jany to you is required. The time however is extended to twenty four hours after the receipt by you of this note. No one of your family can be permitted to remain on the premises"
Very respectfully
E W Cleft
Lt & A A QM
In Chg of Buildings

W Beirnes pardon [?illegible]] date
8 Sept 1865 before this
controversy commenced.

Transcription Notes:
confused about the ditto rule; used (") -- not a ditto here, a quotation mark - the first sentence refers to this as a true copy.