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Since the lease was executed Mr Goodfellow has demanded of me the money for the rent from 10 July last several times. At last on yesterday I stated to him the course I had adopted to obtain justice from the chief Bureau at Washington, and suggested that he could wait until we could get a decision from Head Quarters. He insisted that such course would not do & that the money must come, which I paid taking a receipt of which the following is a true copy -

"Huntsville Ala 26 Septr 1863"
"Received of George P. Beirne one hundred"
"& thirty dollars for rent of a dwelling in Huntsville,"
"Ala to Septr 30. 1865, paid by him under"
"compulsion, He protesting against said requisition"
"of rent upon the ground, that the property aforesaid"
"has never been abandoned, that the Freedman"
"Bureau had no claim whatever upon it."
"That I had never been in its possession and"
"that consequently the Government or rather"
"the Said Bureau has no legal right to require of"
"him the payment of said rent & which I bind"