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cannot be exercised by the Superintendent. This is an important question, as cases of this kind, arise daily, and the Freedmen are not getting their rights. Again, a great many cases are reported from adjoining counties, and as the Magistrates here have no jurisdiction, and the negro states, he is afraid to return for fear of his life, to proceed against the guilty parties: they go at large. 
Is it the duty of a Magistrate, acting as Agent, when he is knowing to acts of cruelty being committed, against the Freedmen, to proceed against the parties? This ought to be so, as cases of shooting occur where the Magistrate is satisfied of the facts, but delays taking any action, until the party appears to make affidavit: and these negroes know nothing about looking to a Magistrate for the administration of Justice. 
The Old Hospital building here, used by the Rebel Government as such; is needed by us. It is now in possession of the parties to whom it belongs. There are several out-buildings to it, built by the Rebels, and we need the whole premises for the shelter of Refugees. Perhaps the proper way to get the use of the building would be to send the U.S. Dist. Attorney, the facts as known to me, and have it libelled for Confiscation; we need it very much.
I have a Colored Teamster employed, he ought to get his pay; how am I to pay him? If I was Acting Assist Q.M, I could make out the proper papers for him to pay on, but I cannot see how I can do it now. 
The Tax in kind storehouse here, is of no use to us, for our business, and if sold would increase our revenue. It would sell perhaps for six or seven hundred dollars. The Treasury Agent has it in use now, but the storage of the Govt Cotton amounts to nothing, as but a very few bales have ever come in. He has it now filled with private Cotton on Storage. 

I am Major
very respectfully 
Your obedt Servant
H.L. Brown
Capt's Assist. Supt Refugees

Transcription Notes:
I was unable to decipher the lower right corner so I stopped there.