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Demopolis Ala
August 4th /63

Brig. Gen. Swaine 
Asst. Com. of Freedmen, Refugees &c.

I would respectfully call your attention to the following facts, & ask for instructions relative to this.
As I have already stated in a communication to you, there is a great surplus of labor in this part of the state & that there is a disposition to discharge quite largely now the Crops are made.
While acting under Martial Law I prevented this by requiring the employer either to keep those who had helped to make the crop or pay them well for services rendered. Now Civil Law is in force if they choose to discharge they will do so & the laborer can only bring action against them for remuneration, With the existing prejudices against negro testimony in the Southern Parts the employer in every case will show a forfeiture of positiveness on the part of the employee, & Leave him without a home or remuneration for services.

Transcription Notes:
Brig. Genl. Wager Swayne - misspelled Swaine in this document. edited: removed Archive stamp, per SI ignore,