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[[strikethrough]] J. & T. COBBS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Livingston, ALA. PRACTICE IN THE COUNTIES BELOW, CIRCUIT COURTS SITTING AS FOLLOWS: Lauderdale, Miss., 1st Monday in Feb. and Aug. Marengo, Ala., 3d Monday in March and Sept. Sumter, 2d Mon. after 3d Mon. in March and Sept. Green, 4th Mon. after 3d Mon. in March and Sept. Pickens, 6th Mon. after 3d Mon. in March and Sept. [[image]] Claims should be sent a reasonable time before Court. [[/strikethrough]] Linden, Marengo Co. Ala Sept. 21st. 1865 Brig Gen'L Wager Swayne, Asst Commissioner &c Montgomery Sir; Yours of the 9th inst is received in which you ask for a report of all cases in my jurisdiction which have come to my knowledge in which "White Men have been bound over, indicted, fined or convicted for outrages upon Negroes, and the number of Negroes similarly dealt with." I am now holding my first Court in the Circuit at this place, and the Grand Jury will continue in session next week. Up to this time they have found about fifty bills They have thus far found bills in regard to matters inquired of as follows; 1 case vs Negro for attempt to poison a white family. 1 case vs a White Man for Assault & Battery on a Negro. I case vs a White Man for shooting at a Negro. Next week it is probable that the Grand Jury will find a number of bills and then will probably be no other bills as with other White or Negroes on account of injuries one to the other. It is impossible for me at this time to give you a report from the other Counties, but I will do so as soon as practicable. The State docket will be tried next week and I think the report from this county will be a favorable one and that when reports are made from the circuit, your course in delegating authority to the Civil Officer to settle matters of controversy between the White and Negroes will be approved. I take the liberty to send you the inclosed notice from which you will no doubt be pleased to see that the Solicitor and myself are doing all we can to restore law and order. Very Respectfully Yours, James Cobbs, Judge 9th Judicial Circuit
Transcription Notes:
edited: removed notes in transcription section, read instructions 'do' is just like a ditto mark, read instructions, per Si ignoe indents, changes and correcions