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Office Freedmen's Bureau
Selma Aug. 24th 1865

Chas. A. Miller
Major and A.A.A.G.

Major:  I have the honor to send enclosed, the estimate of funds necessary to meet expenses of this office, incurred before the assumption of duties by the Asst. Commissioner.  I hope they may be remitted as speedily as possible.

If the ruins of Confederate works in this place could be turned over to us, we should have a permanent resource, to supply ourselves with needed lumber, clothing, +c.
One hundred and Fifty Thousand bricks have already been sold, at Five dollars a thousand, and the demand will continue through the season.  The Treasury Agents have control now.  I trust you have received my report by this time, if not, please inform me.

Very Resp'y, your obt servt.
Samuel S. Gardner
Asst Supr Freedmen

Transcription Notes:
ignore Archives stamp