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Office Assistant Superintendent Bureau OF FREEMEN, REFUGEES AND ABANDONED LANDS, Tuskegee, Ala., September 12th, 1865.

Colonel C. Cadle Jr.
A. A. G. &c.

Colonel: - 
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your comm. of date 10 Sept. _ directions duly noted and carried out.  By same mail I also received Blank contracts, Blank reports, and newspaper, for all of which accept my acknowledgements.
Your communication of 11 inst. is also at hand, enclosing eight (8) copies Circular No. 1 and informing me in reference to transportation.
I am, Colonel, with sincere respect, your obedt servant
Andw Geddes
Capt. & asst. Supt.

Transcription Notes:
Archive stamp not needed [[stamp]] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [[/stamp]]