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Mr. Phillips' states that Mr. Phillips told him the following. Three negroes were travelling the road at nightfall, when a man whose house they were passing asked them if they didn't want to stop there over night, and offered them something to eat and a chance to sleep. In the night he went and got some others and murdered the negroes. Nothing has been done about it to my knowledge.
The force at this post is reduced to about two hundred "for duty". The guards and assistants detailed in the Bureau have consequently been withdrawn till it is now impossible for me to reach out into the country at all.
I wish to learn if an officer could be sent from Montgomery to take charge of a Home Colony. I think none can be obtained here. I am about securing a plantation and wish to get it under way immediately.
Is there any penalty for refusing to make contracts and have them filed in the Office?
The question has been asked me by a planter,