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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Selma, Dec. 12th 1865.

C. Cadle Jr.
Bvt. Col. & A.A.G.
Colonel: Yours of the 10th inst is received, enclosing blank orders for transportation. I suppose it is the intention for me to fill out the blanks in such cases as come within the limitations, not reserving these exclusively for cases in transition. I conclude thus from the fact that you sent none for the cases applied for at the same time.

We are in need of some Tri= monthly blanks. Please send before the 20th.

In the absence of help, and amid an increasing pressure of business, I have not got the monthly report forward, but will send it soon. there is an issue for November to refugees, not on the tri=monthlies. Shall a separate Trimonthly for refugees be sent also.

Very Respectfully
Sam'l S. Gardner
Supt of Freedmen.