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29th of May 1865. Each of them took said Oath in good faith & have kept & intend to keep it [[strikethrough]] involate [[/strikethrough]] inviolate. And they [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] one annex copies of said Oaths hereto, which they pray may be taken as a part hereof 

They further show that at the time they took said Oath neither of them owned or possessed taxable property of the value of Twenty thousand dollars $20,000 nor any [[?]] of now own it

They further show that as parties under the firm of White Scruggs & Robinson they were seized & possessed of a [[strikethrough]] house [[/strikethrough]] Store house & lot of land in the City of Huntsville in said County of Madison situated at the South East Corner of the public square in said City, bounded on the North by said Square, & on the East by Franklin Street

During their absence in said Army this property was taken possession of by the United Authorities at this place as a Abandoned land, & they state that it as such 
They further show that no proceedings under the Confiscation Act