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In order to carry out the foregoing suggestions there should be at once sent to your Quarter Master with authority to issue upon your order whenever you deemed necessary;

50,000 Shirts, 50,000 prs Trousers, 50,000 prs Shoes, 50,000 prs Stockings, 75,000 Wool Blankets, 30,000 Blouses or Coats,

Also 10,000 lbs Nails 8 & 10d. 200 Hand saws, 300 Hatchets - 20 Cross Cut Saws - 24 1 1/2 inch Augurs 24 2 inch Augurs - & 24 3 inch Augurs.

At the close of the war at each of the principal Prison Depots in the west, Indianapolis, Chicago Johnson Island, Rock Island, Camp Butler &c there was a large quantity of Blankets left by Prisoners of War - if these have not been disposed of they would answer well for use of Freedmen = In addition to the Clothing asked for, if possible to obtain it, you should have from 150 to 200,000 Yards of some kind of Cheap Cloth to make dresses for the women & female children - the linsey from which army shirts are made would answer the purpose, or even some cheaper material if there be any in the hands of the Government.

I have the honor to be, General,