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Lowe, S. B.
Agent for "Selma Iron Works Co." at Selma Ala.
Nov 23/65

Petition for restoration of property known as "The Selma Iron Works," at Selma, Ala; or, that the within-named parties claiming jurisdiction and control over it to be restrained from interfering with the same, except the District Court of the United States, before which, it is stated, a suit involving the title to this property is now pending at Montgomery, Alabama. States that the rebel government never owned, nor had jurisdiction over, the property, or any part thereof.

Five enclosures.

Commr Nov/65 Ala

L.R.F 55- E.B.293.

Recd. Dec. 23. 1865.
Bureau R.F. & A.L.

War Department.
Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Washington. Dec. 27. 1865.

Respectfully referred to Brev. Major Gen. Wager Swayne, Asst. Commr &c. Montgomery, Ala. for his action.
This property appears to be included in the terms of the Executive Order of Nov. 11, 1865.

By order of
Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard.
Commissioner &c.
Wm Fowler
Asst. Adjt. Gen.