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To Hon Hugh McCullough
Sec.y Treasury
The corporation known as the Selma Iron Works at Selma Ala. by their agent S.B. Lowe beg leave respectfully to call your attention to the follow facts and ask your action thereon
The Legislature of Alabama On the eighth day of December 1863 passed an act of incorporation whereby W.W. Ware, C.E. Thames, W.M. Smith, C.G. Wayne and F.S. Woodson and such others as they might associate with them were declared a body politic and corporate by the name of the Selma Iron Works, a copy of said act of incorporation is appended to this application. Masked exhibit A. and made part of this application. A complete list of all the Stockholders in said corporation is hereto appended and masked exhibit B. Some short time after said act of incorporation the said parties organized and commenced operation. They continued work until their establishments were destroyed by fire and the breaking up of their machinery by Genl. Willsons command in April last. Their works consisted of a Foundry & Machine Shop and Rolling Mill. The two establishments were located in East-Selma and about three eighths of a mile apart. There foundry and machine shop was situated on a certain lot of ground which is fully described in their Deed to the same made to them by J.W. Lapsley on the 14th day of April 1864 which said deed is hereto attached and marked exhibit C. The business carried on by said corporation in said foundry and machine shop was casting of every description such as sugar mills, salt pans, rail sond castings &c and in finishing up the same. The work when completed was generally sold in the market for the best price that it would bring to such farmers and traders as thought proper to purchase the same. About one fifth of the capacity of said shop was sold to the Confederate Government. that is, said government bought about one fifth of the work turned out of said shop amounting to many thousand dollars, for which said Gov.t never paid up fully. Said corporation sold to said Confederate