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and rolling will cost the said parties about one million and two hundred thousand dollars in confederate money. Said corporation is indebted to different parties in the sum of about Two hundred and forty thousand dollars in confederate money. This indebtedness is due mostly to the Mobile and Ohio Rail Road Co, the ballance to private parties. But none of it is due to the Confederate Gov't, on the contrary the Confederate Gov't is largely indebted to the Selma Iron Works. The indebtedness to the Mobile and Ohio R.R. Co is of this character. The Selma Iron Works received of the Mobile and Ohio R.R. Co 735,609 pounds of scrap iron which by an agreement was to be reworked into new material. The said Selma Iron Works reworked and returned to said road an equivalent to 120,038 pounds. The Selma Iron Works were not able to fulfill their contract with the road in consequence of the destruction of their works. The ballance of the iron to wit 615,571 pounds is now in the hands of the Agents of the United States Government. In connection with the property of the Selma Iron Works and in consequence of their inability to complete their contract with said road, the said iron is the property of the said Mobile and Ohio Railroad Co. for the transfer of said iron to the Selma Iron Works was not for the consideration of money, but under the conditions of its being reworked. I would further state that most of the iron above referred to has been taken from the premises of the Selma Iron Works by persons claiming to have authority from the United States Gov't and mixed indiscriminately with iron taken from the Confederate States Naval Foundry, in such a manner that it is impossible to distinguish which is the iron of the United States Gov't or which is the iron of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Co. I would further state that all of the above property refered to including the property of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad has been libeled by the United States district attorney and suit is now pending before the U.S. district court at Montgomery Ala in reference to said property. Furthermore R. V. Montague collector of customs for the district of Ala claims jurisdiction of all of said property, and has advertised the same for sale on the 15th day of December next. Furthermore