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property and prohibit by your order all of the said parties above enumerated who claim jurisdiction of said property from interfering with or in any wise detaining said property from your petitioner. But if the above prayer is inconsistent with your Honor views of justice and laws petitioner respectfully prays that all of the said parties above enumerated claiming jurisdiction of said property except the District county of the U.S. te by your Honors order restrained from further interfering or in any wise claiming holding or interposing with said property and for such other and further relief as is consistent with your Honors views of Justice and right.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 22nd day of Nov 1865
S B Serve
Jno M Strong J.P. 
[[image]]5 cent internal revenue certificate[[\image]]
State of Alabama, Dallas County:
Personally appeared before me John M. Strong an acting justice of the peace in and for said county and State Edgar Vliet who after being by      me duly sworn on oath states that he has read over the above petition of S.B. [[Save?]] and that the same is  in substance true to the best of his knowledge and belief. That he was in th employment of the said Selma Iron Works for the entire time that they were engaged at work and that in consequence of his employment he was familiar with and understood the business of said establishment and that he has no interest in the said Selma Iron Works property.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 22 day of Nov 1865 
Edgar Vliet
Jno M Strong J.P.
[[image]]5 cent internal revenue certificate[[\image]]
State of Alabama Dallas County:
Personally came before me John M Strong an acting justice of the peace in and for said county and state.
R.B. Gosuch who after being by me duly sworn on oath states that he was in the employment of the late Confederate Government and - with the rank of Major. that it was part of his business to act as inspector of Mines and Iron Works and that he had the entire charge and control of all detailed men in his district employed